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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you agree that no human has a right to do what s/he pleases unless what s/he

Question:Yes I agree,

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Yes I agree,

What's right for you is not necessarilly right for me.

right and wrong are illusions and meaningless.

And even in your context where u think they have meaning, can't a decision be morally neutral?

Right for whom?
Your philosophy is a little restrictive. Just thinking about it makes me feel angry.

Right and wrong in all truth are manifestations of our own integrity. People today just simply allow other people to define those concepts for them. There is no such thing as right and wrong, we just simply allow others to tell us there is.

Well, as long as you're not violating people's privacy or causing others any harm,,

All is permitted.

All moral systems are doomed to failure when examined. I may say to you: I wish to place the limit upon your action that you do not murder me, yet I realize I have no "moral" equals, on what basis may I limit your freedom? (There is a man in the sky who has told me so!)

the world seems to operate on do whatever you want as long as you a) don't get caught b) don't bother anyonethat can make you pay. I just kinda accepted it didn't really think whether or not I thought it wrong or right mattered, you know?

as long as it's right for everyone and no fluffy bunnies were hurt. Your use of the word Human is suspect. Do you get a good Internet connection on your planet?

Right/wrong are labels we put on our individual ideas and personal beliefs. There is no definite right or wrong because those are abstract ideas humans have identified and in some ways created.
Everyone has, however, the right to do whatever he or she please. If you want to live alone in some corner of the world you have every right to do whatever you want to do BUT since humans live in grouped living, communities ie together we have created laws, mores and norms to ease grouped living. For example, murder is forbidden in grouped living. Then there are those actions that do not seem correct logically. Like killing an inncent child--you can do it, sure but there is no logical point or reason for it and you might consider, if you believe in an afterlife, what consequence that would bring. Ultimately I think you can do whatever you want but you have consequenses in this world if you live with other humans and in the next world.

No one must follow the maxim "Do only what is right," except when and where it has to do with what is right "by other people."

That is, you may do anything the law allows; you may attempt to do what the law does not allow and fight the charges against you if you think that is the right way to push the issue--"civil disobedience" is one form of that.

Or, you can hurt others. That would be right for no one, so it would not be "right."

But doing anything you want whether right or wrong if it does no harm to others *does not need to be "right"*. It can be anything

as long as it does not hurt others.

Well, first you have to ask yourself, what is "right".

Ignore your rights and they go away.
First part is "what is right?" The moment you ask that question, another comes up. "Do we have free will?" ; I submit we do. So plan B, what is karma, is it real or illusion or an idea, without mitigating consequences for all and everything. Pull one tiny thread and reality may unravel before you.