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Position:Home>Philosophy> Objectivism... what are the five types of pleasure?

Question:I'm trying to find the five pleasure types and how they show who we are as people at our core as stated in The Virtue of Selfishness by Ayn Rand. I no longer have the book and can't find any reference to them on the internet. They describe basically what each pleasure type (art, work, sex, etc.) says about the person who chooses them as their ideal pleasure. Anyone know what they were or where I can find them?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm trying to find the five pleasure types and how they show who we are as people at our core as stated in The Virtue of Selfishness by Ayn Rand. I no longer have the book and can't find any reference to them on the internet. They describe basically what each pleasure type (art, work, sex, etc.) says about the person who chooses them as their ideal pleasure. Anyone know what they were or where I can find them?

wow, good memory! It was in Brandon's essay "The Psychology of Pleasure," and I'd forgotten there were 5.

"There are, broadly, five (interconnected) areas that allow man to experience the enjoyment of life: productive work, human relationships, recreation, art, sex."

Yaoi Shonen-ai is correct as the quote is exact. I had to look it up in my book.

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