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Position:Home>Philosophy> What would you do or say if a little boy gives you a flower?

Question:You are sitting on a bench in a park.A little boy let's say 4 years old approaches you with a smile and give you a flower,a little flower.
What would come first in your mind?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You are sitting on a bench in a park.A little boy let's say 4 years old approaches you with a smile and give you a flower,a little flower.
What would come first in your mind?


This question that you are posting is as sweet as a little boy offering me a flower; both show the finest side of Humanity.
Thank you.

Thank you.

thank you sweetie, its a very pretty flower!

"Okay that's so nice but I'm already seeing someone else honey..."

The first thing that would come to my mind will be how sweet the boy is????and i would say thanks and start chatting with him.l like kids a lot.........

I would be very surprised, but then I will thank him for the pretty flower. Then I would tell him how much I love and appreciate his thoughtful gift.

Sweet Innocent life with no stress. Everything will be completely lifted off my shoulders and I'd say thank you and happily accept the flower.

What a question? Whether a little boy are an adult it is immaterial. The very fact that he is a human being and is offering a flower which represents love and affection. It should be honoured first and for most. What comes to your mind is a different thing. It depends upon individuals and their state of mind at that time and conditioned by many factors etc.
Without hesitation I would thank him first and give him a big smile.

i will say "poda loose"

oh what a beautiful flower honey!!! thank you very much!!!

and i would give him one too.

"Thank you soooo much"

& give 'm a kiss

I'd be extremely pleased and touched. I'd accept it with thanks and hug & kiss the child.

Years ago my neighbour little child walked into my room when I was asleep, kissed my cheek & turned to go when I woke up. That was really the best kiss I ever received!!! He was probably doing what his parents did to him. But that filled my heart with pure wonder.

Any unselfish act of innocence and purity, however small, just thrills me!!!

oh my god are so cute beta (son)

What the hell am I supposed to do with this!?LOL

Very expressively with a big smile say 'thank you' and watch his face light up and he would probably bring me another. Like a game.

1. *A* flower. (Cheap bugger -- try picking a bunch next time.)
2. Where are you parents?
3. Why aren't you in day care?

I love little kids, and our meeting would go something like this:
I would invite the child to sit next to me, and have a little chat.
Like whom did he have in mind when he held out in his little hands such a nice flower to me?
I guess his answer would have been his mom.
And then I'd proceed to ask well shall we talk a little about his mom. And then listen to the little child chatting his heart out.
I'd be careful though to tell him I cannot take his mom's place at all but try to behave like one, if that brought him some comfort.
But you know, with all this gen-next thing I wonder how many would exploit this innocent relationship that I have just mentioned above?I always wonder!!!!

That onlyshows the untainted and uncorrupted innocence of a child, full of love and appreciation of life's little and big things that mean a lot to them children.

My children used to do it too me to when they were in primary and junior gradeschool.

I'd say:" why, thank you dear for your thoughtfulness!" In my mind, i'd say "thank you God, for working your way on these little children, keep them intact with you!"