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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is better: a high moral sense or a good heart?

Question:For eg:I know people who steal etc but are kind generous people, and I know people who claim to be upright and righteous, but lack warmth.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: For eg:I know people who steal etc but are kind generous people, and I know people who claim to be upright and righteous, but lack warmth.

I agree with QuiteNewHere's contention that our standard definition of "high moral sense" and "kind and generous" are likely flawed. People assumed to have a high moral sense are often self-righteous which makes that righteousness unappealing, but true high morals would prevent self-righteous behavior (which often includes cold demeanors). People who steal and lie may seem good hearted and warm, but one of the problems with even petty theft and little white lies is that it causes the individual to assume that everyone else steals a little and tells little fibs. This means that that particular individual can't ever truly trust other people. Anyone incapable of trust can't be authentically good hearted.

Of course, I say all this in an abstract philisophical discussion. We are none of us perfect, and I would probably rather hang out with some one who lapses more often and has a pleasant aspect than some one who has a better track record, but is, indeed, a little on his or her high horse about that fact.

Cant one have both?
I am dismayed by the either/or choice.
Somehow, to me the two go hand in hand, it is not possible for one to exist without the other.
If it didnt, then the definition for "high moral sense" and the definition of a "good heart" are severely flawed and corrupted beyond rescue.

Depends on what you want. A person with a high moral sense will do the right thing. That makes the world safer, better and leads to a greater good. A good heart without a high moral sense gives rise to the phrase "He means well." It also leads to making sure his people are taken care of by whatever means.

High moral sense. That is best.

good question. I thought about this for a bit and it occurred to me there is nothing kind, generous or goodhearted about stealing.
Unless a person were a kleptomaniac in the clinical sense I would have to go with the cold folks, because at least they are trying to do the right thing.
Honestly, neither would be my choice for someone to just hang out with. I can't stand high minded people for general conversation and someone that steals might want something of mine that I really would like to keep.
Out in the community I would say the high moral sense because the thief no matter how jolly and fun is still a thief and can have a more real negative effect on society in general.

a high moral sense... people with a good heart and no moral sense can do more harm to people around them than those who may act coldly but would not harm others due to their high sense of morality.

I think the most important thing is that each person is being their true selves. There is no reason to change yourself just so that you appease the greater population. We must be us, and live for what makes us feel we are being true to ourselves.


Since when is it kind and generous to steal from people?

Anyone can treat friends and loved ones with kindness and generosity--from the most virtuous saint to the most vicious thug.

But a truly good-hearted person would not steal from or do "etc." to other people.

Then too, a person of high moral principle would try to cultivate a good heart. Compassion is, after all, a moral virtue.


Well I believe with one, comes the other. They go hand in hand.

People with good hearts generally have high moral sense and vice versa.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.