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Question:Are there any important things you should worry about in life?
I am always worrying about where my life is going. I don't like office jobs, I LOVE skydiving, I have met people who do skydiving as a job and I envey them. Do you think that it would be the best job in the world? Would they have any worries?

I think about the fact that I am 24 and haven't been to university and that I really should go. I'm just so confused about my life. Does anybody feel the same? - That they wish they could do anything freely with their life and not worry about the future and what you SHOULD be doing?

Sorry if I don't make any sense...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Are there any important things you should worry about in life?
I am always worrying about where my life is going. I don't like office jobs, I LOVE skydiving, I have met people who do skydiving as a job and I envey them. Do you think that it would be the best job in the world? Would they have any worries?

I think about the fact that I am 24 and haven't been to university and that I really should go. I'm just so confused about my life. Does anybody feel the same? - That they wish they could do anything freely with their life and not worry about the future and what you SHOULD be doing?

Sorry if I don't make any sense...

I had this crises a few months ago and essentially had a nervous breakdown. However I think I have come out strong.

I always consider myself more driven than to work in pathetic jobs, and always tried to get a job in sound producing which is what I LOVE. However jobs are scarse in the industry and its hard. People were going off to Uni, I felt I should be going because it seemed like the normal thing to do. I felt I had no direction and all things seemed doom and gloom.

After I lost it, I started to reaise that there is no way to live life. I had no pressure from family to do anything in particuliar, I realised theres nothing wrong with having a bit of cash and enjoying yourself, I also do alot of work in sound now and don't really have the avarage 9-5 lifestyle.

Everyone has the same problems, but if your happy, healthy and have enough money coming through then your fine. Spend money on skydiving, see if you can join a local group? Or voluteer work even. Things take time, patience is something that we all lack. Theres no normal way of doing things.

You can worry about anything you like. But you can do something about the things (worries) you want to change.

the best thing I ever heard, (besides 'don't sweat the small stuff, and it is ALL small stuff',) was this: to have peace, teach it

in this case, the word 'teach' means demonstrate, not preach

for example:

do things calmly, don't rush through any activity, (if you find yourself rushing, ask yourself this question: 'how important is this task?' and if it is not important, stop doing it, but if it is important then slow down,) and give yourself plenty of time to get anywhere that you need to be, (if it only takes you five minutes to get somewhere then give yourself at least fifteen minutes,) eat slowly, savor every bite, and learn to enjoy 'just being'

good luck from a former stressed-out worry wart who now has peace of mind

By worrying, you waste your life away. Nothing is accomplished by worrying. I am now nearing 50 and I realize I spent hours and hours and hours each year worrying about things and regretting things. 98% of that time I wasted. And we're not the only ones. Many many people are chronic worriers.

I was once given some wise advice. Someone said to omit the word should from my vocabulary. Shoulds are a way of condemning ourselves 99% of the time.

One thing that is recommended for worrying is only allowing yourself to do it 5 or 10 minutes a day (not before bed, then you might sleep poorly). Try replacing it with positive thoughts. For example, Abraham Lincoln never went to college! In fact, he only went to school for about 18 months total!

How can you follow his example? Maybe there are library books on sky diving you can study or free courses about it online. Look for a free or inexpensive course online.

Life will happen regardless of how you live it so make your goal to live for today. If you worry about the past and future, you miss today. Instead stay in the moment. That's the only place we're capable of living anyway. Right here; right now!

You may find The Serenity Prayer helpful also.

God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can
and the wisdom to know the differrence.

Hope some of my ideas helped. Below are some links I hope will be useful: on chronic worrying:

Wikipedia on Abraham Lincoln:

Yahoogroups on sky diving:

With this storm on the horizon all you can do is bite the bullet, hunker down and try to ride out the waves.


The only thing you should worry about is if you are enjoying your life. People spend so much time doing what is supposedly the "right thing to do" But they forget how to enjoy their life. How to love and experience life. Imagine what a waste it is to spend your one and only life doing something you don't really want to do! it's sad. Good luck! You should do the adventurous stuff you want to do. If that's what lights your bulb. (Just make sure your parachute is packed properly.) xoxo

And how is that working for you? Constant worry about everyday problems is self defeating and ultimately, pointless.
The future isn't here yet. Put if you have a goal in mind then work towards it. Sitting and fretting about it gets you nowhere. Just do it.

I'm not sure what you mean by you love skydiving. Does that mean you have tried and enjoy skydiving or its something you haven't attempted and take great interest in? If that is your choice career, you could go to a skydiving school to make enquiries. I'm sure they can point you in the right direction.

University doesn't guarantee you anything. I've known people who are already in U studying in certain specific courses, but they are still playing the fool and still clueless about their direction.

Any job has its downsides. Some are exciting but have poor financial returns. Some pay well but have no fixed hours. Some have no fixed hours, does not pay much but can offer you great satisfaction.

It depends on what you want for yourself, and what you are willing to give up in order to get there. It is great to enjoy for the moment, but it is just as vital to plan ahead. Because the most important thing for a human being is; the present and the future.

Figure out what you really want. Then decide between whether you should be doing what you should be doing or doing what you want to be doing. Then work for it. Everything else will work itself out in time.