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Position:Home>Philosophy> What if the creator came to you and said I have a one time proposition....?

Question:I will reveal to you all the secrets of the universe. Other life, the reason for life, the purpose, how it all started and where it is going, everything man has ever wondered about but you will only have one year to live afterwards.
Would you do it????

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I will reveal to you all the secrets of the universe. Other life, the reason for life, the purpose, how it all started and where it is going, everything man has ever wondered about but you will only have one year to live afterwards.
Would you do it????

Interesting question.
I have looked at the answers and I have noticed many say no to the proposition. It seems people want to hang on for dear life even if they become ignorant, but wait!! isnt life more than just searching for answers?

Human beings live to feel and experience for themselves as well, not just for knowledge sake. We are feeling and seeking creatures. Maybe the cost of the proposition is too high.

Except one thing, what if the secrets could actually free you from your mortal thoughts that you would have become so enlightened that you would not care for life that much. Do not some people practice an extreme form of enlightenment to escape the bonds of dependency? isn't this another way to escape from being reincarnated?

So you want to remain here till you die and perhaps be born again to search and evolve?

After all! a chance for knowledge that could give you a way out of being trapped here and ever wondering and wandering and consuming and breeding and on and on and on.

It would take some thought, but I am learning towards yes on this one.

I don't care where the world is going or anything. It's obivous we are falling and killing the planet and each other. I (and everyone else) don't need to know what the meaning of life is or anything.

no. It's not like that would solve any problems. I'd still have to go to work and pays bills etc so what would be the point?

hmm yes, I would say yes, and then I would tell select politicians and philosophers so that they could figure out how to sort things out, then I would live my life, kiss my boyfriend, hug my parents and die at peace with the world.

I hope I would do that, anyway. who knows, until they're actually faced with a decision like that head on? :)

no because i dont care about this.. i let it go a long time ago.

I'd tell him see you later

No. One of the points of living, of learning, of trying, is to try to figure those things out.

Whats the point in knowing the secrets of the universe if
the creator is only going to let you live for 1 more year.
All a bit pointless really unless the world is going to blow
up in 18 months time.

i care morew about where how and why aint there a book with all these listed

No, I'd rather live long life. I don't care about all the secrets of the universe and reason for life and how it all started. These things are not important, its all past. You should look in the future.

No I would not. I would have no respect for a creator who would make such a proposition.


No. Other than satisfying curiosity, that knowledge has no purpose in my hands.

Unhesitatingly yes. Not that I believe in a creator, a purpose or any such nonsense; but taking it as a hypothetical case, it's a no-brainer.

Why? Well; to start with I want to know everything I can about everything. It's called curiosity - and it's been the driving force of mankind ever since some genius 50,000 years ago thought, "What happens if I bang these rocks together?"

The downside, of course, is that once I know everything, what is there to live for? So, even if the one-year timescale wasn't specified, I'd probably insist on it.

An aside - if I did end up knowing everything, I wouldn't tell anyone. Why spoil things?

My life is more precious to me than any knowledge ever could be. And I am happy knowing nothing. So...NO.