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Position:Home>Philosophy> Would you kill yourself if your family weren't alive to make you feel guilty

Question:Do we all stay alive because we can't bear to put our families through the grief of suicide? If we had no parents to worry about upsetting (and no children) and maybe only a couple of friends who would totally understand why we did it and possibly even join us, would more of us depart this depressing, trivial, insignificant, pointless, endurance of a life by opting for the welcome relief of guilt free suicide?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Do we all stay alive because we can't bear to put our families through the grief of suicide? If we had no parents to worry about upsetting (and no children) and maybe only a couple of friends who would totally understand why we did it and possibly even join us, would more of us depart this depressing, trivial, insignificant, pointless, endurance of a life by opting for the welcome relief of guilt free suicide?

I think, yeah.
We all stay alive because we can't bare to put our families through it all.
Otherwise, there would really be no point of living..
In the end we all die... But the fact that you would put your family through the pain and grief.. it just makes you stop and think.

I don't understand the logic behind your question quite simply because if you killed yourself, then how can anyone make you feel guilty about it? Err, you'd be dead.

You need help!


yes yes yes after you mate!!!!!

I would have done it years ago if that was the case! Wouldn't do it now tho as im happier with my life at the moment!!
When I was a kid I wanted to die before my family so I didn't have to live with the grief of losing them!

Yeh - why not!

No, I would never kill myself...I love my life...

Err... what? My ghost wont feel guilty. It will be molesting people with Anne Boleyn.

You need some help. Give me a want to be totally alone so you can justify suicide? How crazy is that? Go to a need medication and therapy.

Why the depressing question?

When someone is suicidal and serious about it then I don't think it matters whether they have family or friends..........for them it is the only way out

Yes, I think so. I wouldn't want friends to join me though. I wouldn't want to be responsible for any other person taking the same action as me.

To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause: there's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life;
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
The pangs of despised love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office and the spurns
That patient merit of the unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? who would fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscover'd country from whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles the will
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all;
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pith and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry,
And lose the name of action. - Soft you now!
The fair Ophelia! Nymph, in thy orisons
Be all my sins remember'd.

lol, people who do not commit suicide, do not because they feel guilty about their family.

Think about it.

If they were dead, they wouldn't feel anything, and they know that.

Guilt of leaving family members behind is what other people try to use to stop OTHER people commiting suicide.

Suicide is always a selfish act, they are just thinking about themselves. Selfish people aren't going to consider their families - and people who say they would commit suicide but don't because of family are just using it as an excuse to cover the fact they don't really want to die.

Hell no. I enjoy the hell outta living. I'm not ready to go anytime soon. too many things I have not done yet.

Yes of course, if I didn't have the thought of upsetting my family so much I'd seriously consider it. But I couldn't do that to them, so I carry on enduring like a lot of other people. what's at the other side of all this MUST be better.

No Way.
Even in Worst situation , i wont opt for that.

& U -----> Don't Die.

Well, your thoughts aren't all that illogical. It does make sense because your family loves you so the sense of guilt arises when you think about killing yourself and then leaving your family members to suffer.

I think this is precisely why if you don't have anyone---no family, friends, and people who express concern and love for you---it's easier to accomplish suicide. And if you have no one who cares for you, it is easier to be murdered as well. Socially, our worths are determined by others by how loved we are by our families, friends, and a network of people.

Being socially isolated is one of many problems depression gets a person into. Thus, depression is a cruel mental illness and it is usually perpetuated by self-pity. If you break the whirlwind of depression by breaking self-pity, you will succeed in ultimately salvaging yourself from suicidal thoughts. Your question may be purely hypothetical or real, so I liberally used "you" to generally address the personal nature that this question can take on.

Yes! Families have a lot to answer for! Seriously I think it's all part of the plan, it keeps us down here on this earth as long as possible, it gives us a link, and if we die with children still alive we still have that link and our spirits never totally leave even if our bodies do. Maybe only those people with no children in their current life will move on to the next 'place' as they will have no blood and spiritual tie to this earth. I haven't had children, I will leave this world as soon as my parents depart, and hopefully there will be nothing to keep my spirit in this hellhole we call earth...

Oh Gosh yes without a doubt! The guilt at what they would feel if I did it stops me, but without that the world may be a different place...........

hi,,i read your questions,,,,,,ill advice you,,,go to church and pray to god...and love your life....only god knows what happen in this world,,,,even if any kinds of relegions,,,only one god,,,,pray and love your life.....good luck..god bless you....thank you...

For sure I'd be out of here, but the thought of my mum saying 'why didn't she talk to us, we could have helped' and beating herself up for the rest of her life would be too much to bear in the moments leading up to it, and I think that thought woudl always stop me. Ask me again in maybe 20 years time when my parents are no longer here....

There will be more guilt after suicide coz then you would be on the judgement seat and it's tougher than life on earth coz there is no turning back once you're there, no repenting. It's all over once you're there. You have no power over your life.....God does. Atleast give Him a little consideration and don't destroy most treasured prize....YOU, for he created you for a purpose! When God created man, He said, "It is very good" He loved us enough to go through tribulation for us here on earth. We are contained in Him and we can't escape Him. That's the best part about life, we always have someone to lean on whether we want to or not....God.

No i think fear of the unknown also keeps us here. I mean suicidal people dont feel loved... they are desperate to leave this!

someone suggested once that the soul decides it is time to go... it sort of gives up... or finds nothing here to keep it and so it looks for an out.

I dont know but i certainly know that when i felt like suicide it wasnt the depression of my peeps and peers that stoped me... that was the encouragement. I think it was the christian in me... some idea of everlasting punishment, unforgivable sin... now its just an inability to hurt myself on purpose. I dont even like bucking my toe!

Guilt free suicide? Is there such a thing? If you find it, let me know...

a couple months ago i would have. easily.

that's not the case.

& there is no such thing as a 'guilt free suicide'. always always always someone will miss you.

When one truly decides end it all, there are no guilt feelings, despite the size and closeness of the family. Only the feeling of relief it will bring not to be tortured by life any longer. Sorry, your theory isn't valid.

Personally, I stay alive because there are things that I think I can yet accomplish in this world and I intend to do so.

These goals are, admittedly, career rather than family oriented which (I've been told) might mean I'll end up a bitter lonely old guy some day.

But, in the meantime, it means my answer to your question is "no."

No I would never kill myself. Ever.
For the point, if I really wanted to, my family being sad wouldn't stop me. Apart from my daughter.

But it would never happen, life is far too sacred.


i agree with some of the others, why would you want to kill urself, true life can be hard sometimes,and we all get low, but to contemplate suicide is sensless and cowardly. You do need help if life is that bad that you would consider it. It would be bad to leave others ( i e family and friends) to pick up the pieces but a suicide is such a waste of a life