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Position:Home>Philosophy> Did you ever lose something of high value???

Question:have you ever been in a situation where you lost something really valuable..It happened twice to me.. one day many many years ago, I had a safe in teh bank full of precious documents but never had a chance to sort these things,,, I decided one day to empty my safe and take everything home and organize the whole safe... the same day my bag was stolen from my car,, there was no money, just a ton of personal document.. and a research that I worked on for my master degree for 2 years.. there was no back up copies.. all was gone
another time , I had many accounts in many banks , that I decided to consolidate all in one bank, and after putting all my eggs in the saem basket llike they say.. the bank (if some of you remember ) called the Bank of Credit and commerce international, that was based in the UK.. was doing laundry money declared bankrupcy.. but I was lucky to recover all the money 2 years later...
moral of the story.. read this..

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: have you ever been in a situation where you lost something really valuable..It happened twice to me.. one day many many years ago, I had a safe in teh bank full of precious documents but never had a chance to sort these things,,, I decided one day to empty my safe and take everything home and organize the whole safe... the same day my bag was stolen from my car,, there was no money, just a ton of personal document.. and a research that I worked on for my master degree for 2 years.. there was no back up copies.. all was gone
another time , I had many accounts in many banks , that I decided to consolidate all in one bank, and after putting all my eggs in the saem basket llike they say.. the bank (if some of you remember ) called the Bank of Credit and commerce international, that was based in the UK.. was doing laundry money declared bankrupcy.. but I was lucky to recover all the money 2 years later...
moral of the story.. read this..

very interesting moral?and yes, I've lost something of high value,not lost-like misplaced or stolen?i lost-my very very best friend of 30 years, she passed away about 4 years ago.we met in the fourth grade, she was 43 when she died, she had four sisters, including me and she always said , i was the best one!!!!!!!!!she was a very valuable person, and i miss her very much!!!!!!!

i lost many time different things but THANK GOD I NEVER LOSE MY RESPECT. thanks.

I have on three occasions lost things of great value to me.

When I left my first husband, he destroyed all my furniture, clothes, pictures, photos, and my children's belongings.

Another time, my bag with college books and assignments was stolen.

The third time was the worst, as it was the loss of a brother to a sudden and unexpected illness.

The one thing I have never lost, and hope never to lose, is my sense of humor. Without it, the three occurrences above would have crushed me.

I lost the ability to be in touch with my son. I need to finish my Bachelor degree before I can be re-united with him on a permanent basis. He's with his mother (who doesn't keep in touch) in Japan and I'm in Australia. I'll be able to re-unite with him though, so my lost connection will be healed, in time.

That translation is HORRIBLE, man. Some of the sentences are not even syntactical.

You "put all your eggs in one basket" all the time like this? It could mean you are a bit bi-polar manic, or something else.

Next time, do your own translating.