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Position:Home>Philosophy> If all the options in life were shown to us, wouldn't it make life so much e

Question:...all options of the day shown by some vision from our imaginary dreams---every day.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ...all options of the day shown by some vision from our imaginary dreams---every day.

It would make life easier, that's for sure! If you knew what choices you had ahead of time, you could plan for the day.

But life would not be more interesting. If anything, life would be boring. Part of the challenge and excitement of life is the simple fact that it is a daily gamble of choice. Life is all about the free will of choice.

Well, thanks for the note, but this is still not free will of choice. If all the options were revealed to you by some source, you would not be thinking for yourself; but rather, some source would be thinking for you, thus, feeding you information. Free will is "thinking up your own choices". Not "knowing them already", somehow by being "shown" as noted above.

It might make decision time a bigger headache to. All your options are all ready there to explore. That is one thing meditation is good for, and to-do lists. You can have more options if you work out the time to realize them.

Easier, perhaps, but certainly not more interesting. It's the surprises of life and learning how to deal with them that keeps us on our toes and makes things exciting. All options shown? Life would be predictable and boring. No thanks!

Ironically, I'd choose the option of not seeing my options.

Half the joy in my life is discovering my options for myself. In fact, many of my most memorable experiences involve those moments when I encountered options I did not want to pursue.

yahoo time is wasted time if you dont know what you should be doing with your life yet

its ok to wind down with after a long day but your first order of business each day should havew been planned before you went to bed the night before.

It should at least be routine so you know ahead of time what you are doing and don't waste time. you never get time back

They are there...that's why you can't get to sleep at night. Or is it just me?

Many young adults, myself included, make a list of all the things that could possibly happen to them, like being passionately in love and anxious to have sex and the opportunity presents itself, what would we do? Would we do it or not? What would happen if we did and didn't? What would her parents, husband or children think and feel? How would my loved ones react?
Because I have already gone through all that, I know how I want to behave.
I do not need to have someone show me all my options. I know.

In the light of "opposites attract" and "too much of a good thing is too much", I will say that if ALL options in life were shown to us, we would be overwhelmed. Let's face it, a lot of people (Yes, men as well as women) just can't make up their minds what to wear, what to buy when shopping, etc. Just think, as an example, when you get up in the morning and try to decide what to wear if you could SEE EVERY DRESS, SKIRT, BLOUSE, SHIRT, PAIR OF PANTS, SLACKS, SHOES, ETC. in the ENTIRE world! Just think how LONG it would take just to look at them!
Also, it is possible for it to be "boring". How? Because of sensory overload! When you mind goes blank due to overload, things are seen in a haze of mental stupor.

They are shown to is up to us to find them and work for them...we can't have what we want overnight...the things worth working for require just

it would ruin us. it wouldnt really be living.

Most of the joy in life I get lies in the anticipation, the waiting. The result rarely ever lives up to my expectations, so if I already knew the result. I would have nothing to truly look forward to.

It will make life easier, but not interesting.

Have you heard "A river becomes beautiful when it hits all rocks on its way". Like that life becomes interesting if we face challenges. If we see all our options there will be not much to do.

I don't think I'd like it, I wouldn't be allowed to imagine.