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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you mind being average in everything that you do in life?

Question:I mean, being average in your grades, your looks, your relationships, your jobs, your lifestyles, your 'talents', your everything.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I mean, being average in your grades, your looks, your relationships, your jobs, your lifestyles, your 'talents', your everything.

being the best, they say, is how to live life...
being average is weighing your skills/talents against your desire/goals/ambitions...

mostly are average coz the skills/talents lack or fare poorly to the desire. who are we to say we are just average? yet who are we to say we are best? we all live to the best of what we are and if it be judge average, then maybe the best wouldn't be known as "best" (for comparison of knowing it be the best would never be attain).

i live my life to the best of my skill/talent/ability.... if it be adjudge as average, i know that i did it as my best...

yes. I like to be good at what I do. Some things you have more control of than others and it makes me feel good when I accomplish things I set out to do. It gives me good self esteem.

Actually, when everything is weighed out, most of us are.

Doesn't it say somewhere that moderation is everything you need. I would like to be more than average on many things. But am not lost in the shuffle. I enjoy being who I am.

Average is good....extremes of everything is quite dangerous, believe me.

There is nowt wrong with average / normal!! I don't think ANYONE is totally average anyway..... the "average" person will excel and have skills or talents in particular areas. Its a case of following your passions and finding what you are good at.

eeewwww, I will accept average if it was the best I could do. I prefer the thin ends of the bell shaped curve.

Why be average if you can be great with a little more effort!?

I do...but that doesn't keep me from procrastinating on YA rather than writing like I should be. I don't have grades to worry about, looks aren't a big deal, I'm not ready for a relationship, my job would be amazing if I'd quit procrastinating. I'm living life to it's fullest, so it's not average, my job takes full advantage of my strongest talent. I suppose, procrastination is the disease that is keeping me from reaching my full potential.