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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do female philosophers get dates?

Question:Female philosophers, tell me....

No harm intended.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Female philosophers, tell me....

No harm intended.

They get dates, pears, plums and apricots.

They get dates accurate to the year, month, hour, minute and sometimes even the second...

Some of them even have boyfriends.

Absolutely - Smart is Sexy!

Oh yes. At about the same rate as male philosophers I suppose.

Only if they agree when asked.

Sure, with like minded others.

If they do the asking! :-)

funny you should ask, i dated my philosophy instructor.

If i was free ..i would certainly enjoy having dinner and a good conversation with a female dont know what your missing

Oh yeah, guys are throwing themselves at me left and right. hahaha

No. Women who think don't get dates, period.

Simone did... Simone DeBovior that is.

Why don't they. Philosophers done always talk about philosophy aren't they?