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Position:Home>Philosophy> What Does OWNED Mean, like in He Got Owned?

Question:Is it similar to: He Got Tricked and somebody got the best of him ? Hence: He Got Owned ?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Is it similar to: He Got Tricked and somebody got the best of him ? Hence: He Got Owned ?

It means "dominated," roughly, in the most geeky, unsubtle way of demonstrating one-upmanship. It's hyperbolic, sarcastic, and most often used online, which is ironic due to the fact that"owning" anyone in a virtual setting is hardly a real achievement. It borders on wish fullfllment, to transform the online game, chat board, and etc.into something real, with real "boundaries," that people can come to possess through their typing skills and nerdy rhetoric.

yes but got tricked like really bad

It means his opponent actually owns him. He is now doomed to live a life of servitude. =(

Just like in basketball. Michael Jordan often owned his opponent. Similar to schooled, had his way with, etc.

someone simply got "beat"

Depending on the kind of English you are using.if you are using slang then it could be so, but if its real English,then it may mean something else, though no one can own the other.

He is possessed by some body else. He will be under the command of somebody else.