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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is the most important question in the world?


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Global warming, World peace and terrorism

It's one of three. Either Why, What, or Who.

Why do we exist?

What is our purpose?

Who created us?

why? or how?

Will you do me?

What next !?

Is there a God?

The most important question is: "Who cares?" That question will determine the value of something (i.e.: if no one cares then it has no value), who has an interest or stake in something, etc. All of the other questions about the meaning of life, etc. really boil down to this one. For instance, if you answer "God cares", then that has great significance to how you live your life.

whe in it comes to most important then i will have to frame of them....
r v honest,caring citizen of the world who is also obedient child of their parents?

Mary H said it!

people the most important question in the world is "What is the most important question in the world?"

the most important question in the world is

will you except Jesus into your life as your Lord and Savior??

is there any existence of god or not?
sometimes we feel that , there, but sometimes , there not,

"Who am I"
One saintly person advocated / suggested that people who seek answers to this question would perhaps never have any other question left unanswered within!

when there will be peace in whole world.

A question thats never been asked. New questions make us think, and we try to find solution, and that leads to prosperity of society.