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Position:Home>Philosophy> Don't cry because its over, smile because it happened.?

Question:Well said.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well said.

Not a bad atitude you should write a book like that one called the power of now.

True, because at least you had the experience and you can learn from any mistakes.

Quoted by Dr Seuss...of all people...

Very profound...but easier said than done.

Said by many, done be few...

the sad truth everyone says that,(nothing against u:) but few live up to it :,( i dont even wanna get started with you haha

That's not a question.

With the passage of time-sometimes years- one can smile because it happened. However, in the immediacy of strong grief and despair, it is far healthier for the mind to physically experience grief and despair through crying and all the other things the body does such as not eating well. It helps you to work through it. Otherwise you may internalize your pain and never lose it---and never be able to smile because it happened.

I agree, in terms of a break up, hard to do at the time, easier to do a few months/years down line

Really well said Sky!!! Although it is easier said than done sometimes...that is the attitude to have! lol

Easier said than done.

might take some time to be able to do

have to cry, im a emotional deep person.