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Position:Home>Philosophy> Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.?

Question:That is so true my friend even just telling someone how much you love them, how much they mean can totally change how they view things. Putting a smile upon someones face is truly a gift in life, and one which we should strive to do more of.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: That is so true my friend even just telling someone how much you love them, how much they mean can totally change how they view things. Putting a smile upon someones face is truly a gift in life, and one which we should strive to do more of.

love that quote ! if only everyone thought the same way ...peace and love!

yess yess yess

I wish I really could agree with you, but we are dealing with the world here, not fairyland. Unfortunately, it does not happen. But that is not a reason not to be kind. Just do not expect any positive reercussions from it, that's all.

Kind words do not do you any harm or bring you any losses, but the other person ends up feeling warm and happy and all because of you. Kindness once done will also be remembered by the other person. It makes them feel special and important enough to be spoken to politely hence, making him want to reciprocate in some way or the other.

Let's never forget that.

those words are by mother teresa :)

she actually lived those words.

Dear Skycat, what a cute question. Lovely.
I agree with you.
Kind words are always echoing through the minds.
Like my granny said: Its difficult to catch a fly with bitterness and vinegar, but you catch a fly easy with sweets and sugarsyrup.

All the best

I agree with you... but was really wondering: Is this you quoting someone else? And if so, Who? Or did you say this?

Yes I have heard this before...and when I read it it makes me happy!
It is so very speak kinds words as often as you can! xoxo

depends what you say, and how you express them