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Question:over and over again. Every single one of the great men and women has been a great failure."

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: over and over again. Every single one of the great men and women has been a great failure."

great failure can be another step closer to success.

never give up, is what i say. those who gave up were that close to success it is beyond belief!

great men and woman never give up, no matter what happens -that is why they' re great!
love to u skycat

Well, I must be on my way to greatness, then!
The key is learning from failure.

yeah, fail and fail until your dying day... then before dying you achieve the numbing effect of failing...

When You Make A Failure, Its Because You Haven’t Asked For Enough; Keep on, And A Larger Thing Then You Were Seeking Will Certainly Come To You

This helps me to have faith ..and its not so bad to fail at times

I believe it's true. When we fail at something or make mistakes, we need to learn from it and go on. Otherwise, we run the risk of letting it defeat us.

By seeing failure as a teacher rather than a limit, we remain capable of taking risks - something necessary for success.

eXactly what my chess teacher would tell me.
When you win a game, you don't learn, and you get cocky. When you lose you can learn from why you lost, and don't get prideful. By losing, or failing, we can learn and grow and stay humble and thus succeed.

2000 ways how not to make a lightblub......

yes in that fairish world,
but is it possible to be?
is it to be the great an failure or vice versa?

i dont like failure or coming second best, i do things right 1 st time so not to return to ammend it