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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why are philosophers so pessimistic?

Question:life is not futile! there is a purpose to all of this.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: life is not futile! there is a purpose to all of this.

Only those who follow the essence of Plato are pessimistic. Plato introduced doubt into philosophy.

Philosophers who follow the essence of Aristotle have no doubt that man can achieve greatness; thus little or no pessimism.

In the history of philosophy since the time of those 2 men, our entire history in the West has been which fork in the road to follow, because no new philosophy has been devised that does not incorporate the ideas of one or the other. Some very mixed up philosophys took from both of them.

Plato may not have believed life was futile; but Aristotle definitely told us it was not.

Because life is futile and there is no purpose to any of this.

because like socrates they realize they know nothing but their pride can't accept it; they want to rise above the materialism of this world but the more they ponder the workings of the world, the more they become attached to the world, and in the end, they realize their material poverty while the ' non-thinkers' get rich

I don't think that philosophers are necessarily pessimistic.

They devote themselves to finding the meaning behind their existence. They bring light to the hidden places of life and not just their own life, everyone's.

Philosophers are the ultimate optimists because they have enough hope to keep searching for answers despite the darkness in which they search.

I agree, and while you can learn so much from philosophy, there is a simple answer. It is this:
As long as I'm asking a question, then I am proving that I don't have the answer.

For example, I want this answer to be chosen as the best. In wanting it, I am merely confirming that it is not the case(at this moment). Substitute a larger problem like world hunger or religion and you suddenly have an exceedingly dim view on the world. Don't give up hope.

there's some arguments:
1.Life or human existence has no real meaning or purpose because human existence occurred out of a random chance in nature, and anything that exists by chance has no intended purpose.
2.Life has no meaning, but as humans we try to associate a meaning or purpose so we can justify our existence.3.There is no point in life, and that is exactly what makes it so special.
4.Life is a ***** and then you die.
but,is that true?

i think otherwise...

Philosophers are not pessimistic or if they are, that really depends on his/her philosophy or basically their personalities. In fact if you didn't, there are like a million of philosophers out there with the philosophy being optimistic. And no offense, you kinda sound judgemental and way too too stereotyping.