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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why is life soo complicated and difficult????

Question:It makes life called life... if no complicated things, if no difficulties, you cannot appreciate things you have got..

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It makes life called life... if no complicated things, if no difficulties, you cannot appreciate things you have got..

The answer is in this song:

Because people are complicated and difficult.

Because nature demands it. Would you rather life be boring without any new challenges, always being in a safe cocoon? What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger and more wise. Life get easier with these experiences.

Because whats the point in life being easy?!
Life sucks but every now and then something picks you up and carries you to where you need to be!

Just go with it and wait

well sweaty
life is complicated and difficult only if u think so
i know it gets handful but u should always be aware of it
and u should always be able to find your way and it's just God that makes life comfortable for u.
so look for him and he'll comfort u
good luck!!!!!!!!

Becoz you made it so...I mean you can always simplify if you truly want to.

I am not sure why, but I love it.

Life is difficult, easy life is really boring. Don't run from the pain, misery and hardship of life. Embrace and every day you will find the joy, love and happiness that is also there.

Life is complicated, but I am simple boy. People lie, I tell the truth, drives them crazy. People attack each other, I help others.

Am I rich (no) famous (no) surrounded by beautiful women (sometimes).

Don't complain about it, any problem can be solved with time and effort.

Its really not... Its what you make of it, with the resources given.

why are ppl so lazy and unappreciative?