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Position:Home>Philosophy> I have a question that has been weighing heavily on my mind?

Question:I come here seeking help in this deeply philosophical question: How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I come here seeking help in this deeply philosophical question: How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

as much crack as a crack head could smoke if a crack head had crack

No more than one fifth of it per day...they have a good union.


how much it wanted until it got tired or lazy


Actually, I just read an article about this... The answer is that a woodchuck could chuck 3 pieces of wood a minute for 5 minutes. After that the woodchuck gets a little tired and can only chuck 2 pieces. This continues for several hours. At which point the average woodchuck just gives up.

A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would chuck as long as the would chuck could chuck would.

How's that?

Haha LOL!!! Funny......

A woodchuck would chuck as many wood as a woodchuck can.

It depends on the size of the woodchuck and the level of training it has. If it works out, it should be able to chuck it's own weight in wood.

I hope my answer has changed your life and helped you deeply.... VERY deeply. :)

However much a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

This is difficult to question answer. The amount of wood that woodchucks would chuck on a given day varies greatly with the individual woodchuck. According to a Wall Street Journal article, New York State wildlife expert Richard Thomas found that a woodchuck could chuck around 35 cubic feet of dirt in the course of digging a burrow. Thomas reasoned that if a woodchuck could chuck wood, he would chuck an amount equal to 700 pounds.

Some say it depends on three factors:

The woodchuck's desire to chuck said wood.

The woodchuck's need to chuck the aforementioned wood.

The woodchuck's ability to chuck the wood.
Others say:

He would chuck, he would, as much as he could, if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

If he could chuck wood, the woodchuck would chuck as much as he could!

A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

A woodchuck would chuck all the wood that the woodchuck would chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

If a woodchuck could chuck wood, he would and should chuck wood. But if woodchucks can't chuck wood, they shouldn't and wouldn't chuck wood. Though were I a woodchuck, and I chucked wood, I would chuck wood with the best woodchucks that chucked wood.

If a woodchuck could chuck wood, then s/he'd chuck all the wood, s/he'd chuck and chuck and chuck and chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

It would chuck the amount of wood that she sells seashells on the seashore divided by how many pickles Peter Piper picks.

One quarter of a sycamore if you give him a quarter for every quarter of the sycamore he cut.

It might depend on how many female woodchucks were present. Or, it could depend on whether the woodchuck's mother-in-law was around or not. If she was, he'd be chucking all day. If not, he'd be watching the football game.

Some maintain that woodchucks could not and would not chuck wood at all.

It depends on how good his dentures are!

A woodchuck, would chuck, as much wood, as a woodchuck, could chuck, If a woodchuck could chuck wood. But unfortunately, woodchucks do not chuck wood.

About 5.72 fluid litres of wood

About as many boards as the Mongol hoards would hoard if the Mongol hordes did hoard boards.

Um....... 23????

Tons. More than you can count. Honestly. No one can chuck more would than a woodchuck.

If the woodchucks name was Maurice, then it could chuck all the wood that it wants to. However, if its name is Frank, no chucking would be for it.

A woodchuck would chuck as much as he could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

A woodchuck would chuck all the wood that it could, if a wood chuck could chuck wood.

wood-chuck.. or; one who chucks wood.
A woodchucks' wood-chucking velocity can be determined by the amount of wood the woodchuck has chucked.
Woodchucks wood-chucking ability can be disabled by wood-chunks.

If a woodchuck could chuck wood then that woodchuck would chuck as much wood as it could.

LOL love it!!! I think your answer lies within the question itself, or at least part of your answer does. I think that if a woodchuck could chuck wood, then I think it depends on how much the woodchuck was feeling up to chucking, and your question pertains to whether or not the woodchuck had variables that would differ from each woodchuck to the next, such as larger teeth, stronger jaw muscles, and the size and muscular sense of its body. On average, I really have no idea what so ever as to how much a woodchuck could chuck. because it depends on what the woodchuck is like.

The answer that you seek is this:


The woodchuck would chuck wood as long as there is wood available for the woodchuck to chuck.

wood chucks dont chuck make me want to upchuck...

i have no idea! that is a mystary no one can solve.

4.5671124075 pieces per hour

Your Cute!

Just as much wood as a woodchuck chucks when a woodchuck does chuck wood.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.