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Position:Home>Philosophy> Would you budget for a good cause?

Question:only allowing yourself a smaller amount each week and saving the rest for a good cause...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: only allowing yourself a smaller amount each week and saving the rest for a good cause...

It's what I do but I'm not making money right now. I support a few causes, sometimes not with money.

yes if it was a very good cause

I don't think I have it in me to budget. I went out yesterday with the intention to come home with a new mobile on a pay monthly mobile plan that didn't exceed £20. I came home with a £40 contract and a new phone which I'm not all that pleased about. I'm a struggling student with no money, what a silly billy I am. I think if I had to budget for the sake of someone else I could though. Money means little to me, but if it affects another I should hope I could manage it! :)

i have a childrens society box which i put my 1's, 2's and 5's in so I don't have to think about budgeting

My family are budgeting right now, we are saving to emigrate to Australia next year.

No,its all mine,nobody has helped me !

We would, we do. Rescue Mission and Animal Shelter get our attention each month.

No. The reason being from what I've read of charities, most of it (80%+) goes just into running that organization. I also don't help panhandlers with their signs of looking for work, stranded, etc. What I do is help people that need help. I've given money to people I didn't know and have never met again. Like one girl whose car broke down. She had the money to get it fixed, but no gas money to get back home.(she lived in another state) I paid for a full tank of gas so she could get home. Or the people thought they could make it home on a tank of gas only to find out they couldn't, finding themselves out in the middle of no where and no gas station with in 60 miles. Take the time to give them a ride to the nearest gas station, buy them gas and then take them back to their car and then give them some money so they could fill up their tank. I'm a truck driver and see a lot of people having problems......helping them out is my charity.

Yes and I do. I give 10% of my income to Church, and another 2-3% to non Church Charities. I would not be able to do it without careful planning and budgeting. I still live well, but I do give things up to be able to maintain my giving. And for the first time in quite a while, expenses (fuel, taxes, food, insurance, electircity) are increasing at a much faster rate than my income, making it harder to give at the level that I do.