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Position:Home>Philosophy> If u went out and been on your own for a year. what would u miss the most out of

Question:i mean with no friends no family no electrical devices. i mean like just u and the wilderness.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i mean with no friends no family no electrical devices. i mean like just u and the wilderness.

I would miss human companionship. Speaking with fellow people is very important for me.

I imagine I might begin speaking aloud to myself, not from insanity, but rather from the need to hear a human voice.

Interesting question.

First you must learn how to survive in the wilderness.
Then you can answer your own questions.

A whole year with no flushing toilets? No shower nor warm bubbly baths? Flosses, electric toothbrushes, three types of toothpaste brands, 2 types of shampoos, all the things for hair?

You guessed it, I will miss the bathroom facilities in less than 6 hrs, max.

i think it would be hard to survive without electronic devices but its something that i could personally learn to cope with as i take in the wonderfulness and beauty of nature and learn to adapt to a whole new lifestyle

but for sure one thing i would miss is my support system and friends back at home and talkn and pouring my heart out to someone, i wouldnt want to end up tell the birds and the trees my problems hehe...

Most probably I will never come back.Is there any place like that in the world?
But naturally, If i had to come back then I miss family,friends and off course all electronic gadgets(especially Yahoo answers).

Well, certainly my daughter and my fiance top the list; but other than that I'd miss:
coffee (i'm assuming i can't take a massive stash and my french press)
light at night

you will miss yahoo all the funstuff here.. he he could you bear that

your daily life

I would miss the touch and affection from another human being the most!

I would miss my goats.

I would miss hugs the most. Conversations with others a close second.

damn that would suck. well i'd miss my friends and soccer...

If it were a sunny island, with fruit trees and golden sands, and most importantly, peace of mind, nothing.

The brethren, a little but mostly, nothing.

Then it would be in big mountains, forests, rivers... where there will be just you and the sky and the sun visiting sometimes. You will be far, far away from human laws and society. There will be no family, no friends, no electrical devices, there will just be you and the nature. Then will you miss those things you had and you were once? If it was going to be forever I guess I will miss it, but if it was for a year, I think it wouldn't matter.

I've been away from home for a long time, and the first thing that pops into my head is pancakes.