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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is Darwinism?

Question:I just need a simple answer. i keep looking it up but i keep getting articles and i dont want that.

does anyone know?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I just need a simple answer. i keep looking it up but i keep getting articles and i dont want that.

does anyone know?

Survival of the fittest is a good description, but I think the more accurate one is "Natural Selection". What this means is that, through time (a lot of it), beings learn to adapt to their surroundings through various means to ensure their survival.

Darwin went to some isolated islands off the coast of Equador and found that, based on the immediate climate of the island, finches, turtles and other species developed phyisical charactaristics that helped them to survive in their environment. We still do the same thing - it's just technology we're having to adapt to, rather than climate and other external factors that we (think) we have under control.

Basically, belief in the theories of Charles Darwin. It usually refers to theories raised in "The Origin of Species" (evolution).

It's the theory of the better race..

Like the dumb people eventually die out, leaving all the clever ones behind - it's all linked in to evolution..

Hope that helped

Survival of the fittest.
Darwin was a racist that was trying to prove white superiority through a poor "theory" that has not proof and would not be considered today had it not been indoctrinated in the populace.

He was a fool who believe we came from apes.A complete fool

Darwin was the first guy to publish a book-length treatise on evolution, the organizing principle of biology. So "Darwinism" and "evolution" or "evolutionary theory" are often used interchangeably.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.