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Position:Home>Philosophy> I am bored of everything. Is there something wrong with me?

Question:it would depend on what you mean by everything..
how do you feel about your friends and family? do you not feel content around them?

if you want to find something fun to do, then how about joining a club, like a sports club, and try something new?
that's always fun, and is useful for later life!

if not, how about drawing, or writing?
i always had a lot of emotions bottled up inside me, and art was a way for me to release them!

i hope this helps!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: it would depend on what you mean by everything..
how do you feel about your friends and family? do you not feel content around them?

if you want to find something fun to do, then how about joining a club, like a sports club, and try something new?
that's always fun, and is useful for later life!

if not, how about drawing, or writing?
i always had a lot of emotions bottled up inside me, and art was a way for me to release them!

i hope this helps!

everyone goes through a stagnant point in there life,just because you've lost the zest for things doesn't mean theres something wrong with just need to find a change to shake things up.

Nope completely normal, I wish you would of added more descripition. Many people go through a stage of this.

I know the feeling. I don't even feel conscious sometimes. Sometimes when I'm out with my friends or family I feel like my mind has gone numb, it's the highest degree of boredom.

Just find what interests you, I suppose. Sometimes we have to be bored, it's just life. I don't mind being bored mostly.

No there is nothing wrong with you!

Everyone who takes a long enough look at every facet of life comes to this point eventually. When human being gets beyond the status of "just surviving" then it becomes a question of "quality of life" as well. One begins to ask what purpose there is to living when not just surviving.

You'll have to find some "sense of purpose" in your existence - this is usually something different for different people, otherwise I could tell you want it is. Whatever it is, embrace it with your whole being and develop the person who you will become with this purpose in mind. If you can't, the boredom and question of purpose will return, as it does for all human-kind not merely "surviving". That is OK though - that is the path of self-realized enlightenment that is cyclical.

Nothing at all! If you don't like being bored, may I suggest you hitch a lift somewhere and find an exciting bar? I'm doing Denver to Chicago next week, if you're on the way...

Nothing is wrong with you; you just lack that quality that some have in taking to their advantage and pleasure the most boring situations, objects, interests, etc, in their daily lives.