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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is there any good that can come out of hate?

Question:Would it be a positive thing if we did not have the ability to hate? I'm not referring to any specific hate, but just the general meaning of the word. Could there be love without it?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Would it be a positive thing if we did not have the ability to hate? I'm not referring to any specific hate, but just the general meaning of the word. Could there be love without it?

In the sense that hate leads to anger. And anger can be productive.
By productive, I mean, that anger (when channeled appropriately) can be motivating. If you hate someone or a particular situation enough, and get angry enough to act to change it. When you are happy, or at least, not discontent, you don't have the motivation to work towards something in the same way an angry and hateful person does.
Love and hate are both passionate emotions, and they are not opposites. Indifference is more of an opposite to love. I have both loved and hated a person at the same time.

Hate? or Fear?

The child learns that fire will burn. This knowledge normally comes with pain. Is this hatred of pain or fear, of pain?

Do we, as humans, learn to hate that which we fear.

Why does the fundamentalist react with hostility to views different from his own? Is this fear of having comfortable assumptions questioned by others or hatred at such audacity.

Good Q. What do you think?

Probably not. At least, not as intense. We appriciate love more with hate.

depends on the situation. like in world war II, our hate for hitler intensified our fighting, had given us motivation for revenge, to endure, a reason to keep fighting. although as a Christian, hate is really the absence of love.

Nope i dont think so just because there is hate there is a perfect balance.You cannot love the evil its notpossible hate is required

i think we need to hate.. in order to love... but we must not hate the person, but the wrong actions...

You'd say "hatred".
There is nothing positive about it, hatred is a negative feeling one of its evolutions being misanthropy. And yes, there can be love without it, even a better, stable love rather than a life full of harsh arguments and reconciliations.

Hate is a very negative emotion, it is toxic is left unchecked to run amoc in ones system. In anger I cannot hate. I loathe others for misbehaviour, and I loathe life at times, but on the understanding that some cannot rise above themselves and in the knowledge that fate holds us in its vice like grip, and knowing that the courage and inspiration we require to release ourselves is non existent, we reconcile the will.

Anger can be facilitated to motivate one to change life and circumstance, but not hate.

Hate can fire a resolve and it doesn't shorten life as we've been told.
Hate lives eternal and the feuding nations can endorse this.
It spans generations and motivates nations.

History will account the needless slaughter arising form hate induced nations warring against eachother.

Love only exists on chocolate boxes and rhymed valentine cards.

There is profit in hate not in love.

What's love got to do with it the Tina song goes.

their are always two side as people say of everything in this world and they are their to stay with each other,love -hate, day-night etc. we need both thing to stay aflot in this world and it give us strenth to live and progress.

the appreciation of love. as the darkness shows us the worth of light.