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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is the worst example of impaired judgement under the influence of alcohol?

Question:The three dead soon to be graduating seniors with a bright future, because some guy who has no future or care for anything got drunk he thought he could drive even though tying his shoes took him twenty minutes to accomplish crashed into them head on at 75 MPH on a back windy road in a rain storm.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The three dead soon to be graduating seniors with a bright future, because some guy who has no future or care for anything got drunk he thought he could drive even though tying his shoes took him twenty minutes to accomplish crashed into them head on at 75 MPH on a back windy road in a rain storm.

Waking up with a big smile on your face only to find out an old man sleeping beside your bed naked.


Oh,the horror.

Telling the unabashed truth to anyone who would listen. One tends to discover ones friends really don't want to hear the truth.

It wasn't sleeping with the wrong person, most of them turned out to be quite nice; it was not knowing who the hell they were, at first.

go to the bar get drunk and see who you wake up with the next morning and you will have my story and trust me she was really that bad

Procreating more alcoholics.

realising the previous night you had sex with more than one person of both sexes
you're underage
and now you're pregnant

When you have to buy a casket for you son! What can be any worst? No it never happened to me but someone will have to do it today!

Voting twice for Bush

going to jail

The mis assumption that we can think clearly and operate machinery.

strip dancing by coaxing of your peers, (and theyve got some souveneirs for you the morning after.)