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Position:Home>Philosophy> What the best way to handle a jealous heart...?

Question:...not necessarily between love matters, but in all matters ?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ...not necessarily between love matters, but in all matters ?

when somebody is jealous on me and if it's not a matter of love, I usually let them have it. So that they could understand how insignificant some things can become when you achieve them too easily...

let it go, its the ONLY cure for a jealous heart.

Update, isn't jealousy just another form of insecurity?

Jealousy is a sickness! The hearts purpose is to pump blood.
Its called thinking in reality and less dreaming.

security... reassurance. If they cannot believe you will always be there, then, their problem is bigger than pure jealousy. Trust is the strongest component of love.

If it is yours...look at what is causing you the fear. If it is someone else, let it go.

i honestly really really dislike jealousy i think it just eats up peoples hearts and minds and I've seen it happen so many times between lovers, friends. families and its not worth it. i would just say that the soul needs to be cleansed and free-ed of something like that and replaced with something better... =)

You have the 'human emotion' jealousy for a reason.

For a person to learn to control jealousy, it is first important to understand what underlies the irrational thinking. Frequently, an individual who is prone to jealousy may have problems with low self-esteem, feelings of insecurity, fear of vulnerability, or fear of abandonment.

If you do have valid evidence for it than try and fix the cause because the 'possibility' of you being jealousy will remain with you the rest of your life. Try and remember the situation that caused the feeling of jealously and try not repeating the same situation to avoid stimulating that feeling again rather it's personal or impersonal. Life is a learning process and not repeating the same behavior that triggers an un-desirable feeling is all part of learning.

Turn it over to God, you have no control over what someone else does. Biblically in the vows it is important to remember that a man is asked to Love and Cherish his wife and the Woman is asked to Honor and Obey her husband, this is important because a Woman has love and thinks with her heart and a man thinks logically and considers honor and loyalty two of the most important thins. If you have no control over it turn it over to God, as corny as it sounds it works.

A jealous heart is an insecure, insatiable and restless one.
We have to deceive by pointing out his jealouslessness as a great quality of character, without meaning it. Nobody is immune to flattery.
Edit: I really meant "jealouslessness", not "jealousness".
Confusion sometimes makes one see clearer.

I can give you my opinion regarding relationship jealousy, for what it may be worth. I say that because my opinion is not based on experience. I am not the jealous type and neither is my wife. So never having experienced the feelings personally, here's what I think.

I would tell the person:
Your feelings of jealousy are your problem. I will not allow your feelings to become my problem. I will not accept any control based on your feelings of jealousy. I will never cheat. But I will talk to, ride in a car with, go on business trips with, email, Internet chat with, have lunch or dinner with, hug, ogle, compliment or praise anyone I wish, with no restrictions and very little self-restraint.

If you don't like it, I respect your right to have those feelings, but I don't want to hear about them. I won't accept any criticism regarding those actions, I won't permit interrogation and I won't explain or justify. If you don't trust me, I can see that you will have a hard life because of my attitude, but I won't change it. If you can't stand feeling jealousy and can't stand the fact that I won't cater to your feelings and if you can't change, I guess you won't be happy with me. Let me know how you work it out.

Edit: By the way, that picture of you is wonderful. If I could look that good in a photograph I wouldn't be using this goody muscleman avatar.

I find that handling the problem straight up with the person was what worked for me. Showing the person there is nothing to be jealous of to begin with, then an openness has always worked for me. Some people who have a jealous heart do not choose to have this, I have found that they had been wronged by many people in their past. This causes the Green scourge to rear it's ugly head.Open friendship has always been the answer.