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Position:Home>Philosophy> If you close the window against the wind....?

Question:can you not still hear it stirring ?'s an unbelievably windy day where I am today...huge gust and flying debris..I closed my open window, but can still see and hear it's wrath from, what affect did it really have after all ?

Express your own analogy...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: can you not still hear it stirring ?'s an unbelievably windy day where I am today...huge gust and flying debris..I closed my open window, but can still see and hear it's wrath from, what affect did it really have after all ?

Express your own analogy...

The effect you had was suppressing the wind from effecting your locality - the wind still rages as it will, but no longer is the effect of its presence felt in all its dimensions - you can still hear and see it in its effects, but as an external force beyond your window.

Analogically, it is much the same as if you watched boiling water in a pot, verses actually being in the pot of boiling water.

the fact that the wind knows you're there is all you need to know.

When we have no control over the bigger things in life, it helps when we do even an insignificant thing to feel as though we do.

If you close the window against the stunt growth and progress. Wind is symbolic of change. The wind "blows out" the old stagnant areas in our life and "blows in" new seeds to be planted and harvested in and through our life.. Wind always brings change in one form or another. It is how we receive the wind that makes the difference in our lives. Is the window open to something new and different, no matter how "huge gust and flying debris" may be or do we close the window and wonder what might have been.

I would like to know where the wind really comes from...........

You minimised the affect that the gusty wind had upon you, by closing the window, but you still can see it and hear it raging outside; it is still there, and you know it, and you fear it, and you know that more unbelievable windy days will come again, and you will have to close the window again and ask this same question, tricky question, and make us feel unsure and intrigued of what you are asking. I will leave it to others more enlightened than myself to provide you with analogies.

If you close the window against the wind, the winds will still blow. You could prevent it from blowing into your room, but still you are hearing the ROARRRRRRRR

plus you can not get out of your house ;)

The wind has like a spiritual not usually see it, you not know where it goes, and where it comes from. And it has it's powers...the power to be comforting and gentle, or wild and dangerous.
The wind is the breath of the earth~ is it not alive, and does not the creator have power and control over His creation? or does the earth have it's free will too?