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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is it true that history is who we are, and why we are the way we are?

Question:Are we the sum of all that has happened before us?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Are we the sum of all that has happened before us?

Not really. History tells us who were WERE, and partly explains how we got to the present state, but ignores the possibility that we can learn from history and change the way we are and will be. If we don't know history, we are bound to repeat its mistakes but knowing history is a necessary but not sufficient condition for becoming better.

All the history courses I have taken have yet to tell me anything directly about myself.

Miss Lily, I'll bet your parents had a time raising you with all of your deep thoughts LOL. I wish I had half of your brains, but I'll have to make do with what I have. I think there is a lot of truth in what you ask, but I'm not sure how much.

no history is where were from!
yes it makes us who me are,
i person who dosent accept there history dosent have a future! History usualy repeats its self! but if u dont like ur history it dosent have 2 be that way! u can keep it from repeating itself, but u can never change it so u mise as well accept it!