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Position:Home>Philosophy> This is something not to be taken lightyly or as a joke!!!~~serious answers only

Question:it seems to me that life is just the same thing day after day and nothing ever happens, now im not saying that life sucks or that i wanna kill myself, im just saying that life is full of when youre born, you keep trying to learn new things, then school starts and its that same thing, same people, and same activities day after day~~all the way up through high school!!

then after you graduate from college its work in work out!!!

but even in the after life, where ever we go its just the same if we got to heaven we will continually praise jesus, and if we go to hell....we just die!!!

now, i dont wanna hear about how great your life is or that you have a very ambitious life, im just asking if anone else sees this the way i do, and is there a higher purpose in life??????

thatnks for your help!!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: it seems to me that life is just the same thing day after day and nothing ever happens, now im not saying that life sucks or that i wanna kill myself, im just saying that life is full of when youre born, you keep trying to learn new things, then school starts and its that same thing, same people, and same activities day after day~~all the way up through high school!!

then after you graduate from college its work in work out!!!

but even in the after life, where ever we go its just the same if we got to heaven we will continually praise jesus, and if we go to hell....we just die!!!

now, i dont wanna hear about how great your life is or that you have a very ambitious life, im just asking if anone else sees this the way i do, and is there a higher purpose in life??????

thatnks for your help!!!!

I agree, some people are content with living within a rerun of the same episode...others become miserable, angry and depressed but find it very difficult to leave the financial security of their current employment. It is a little depressing to think that many of us do not wish to live in redundancy, but are too afraid of change. I've been trying to convince myself to leave the us for a while and pursue personal freedom for about 2 years...good luck to ya

What about spiritual life ? Or, could-you become an artist ?
Then life will have a lot more colours to you.

i agree with you that alot of peoples lives are that way..but some strive for change and a high purpose, and think if you don't like the repetition, change it.

Read this book, 'Into the Wild', about a young man who was college educated and very smart and outgoing and got sick of it all and escaped into the wilderness.... It might be a real eye opener.

There are only so many things that can be done. There are limits on the human body and mind.
Also, patterns are good things. People can't deal with continuous chaos. Just ask people that have been in a combat environment, they are a mess from the lack of any structure at all (other things too, but they don't get to have regular sleeping patterns or eating patterns). The human mind and body both fall into patterns quickly, its part of our nature.

Yes, it can get repetitive, but that's sometimes a lot better than the alternative. Repetition means stability.

I think that is your opinion and it is a valid one. I see your point in a way. But I think that IS our higher purpose, to learn and live and pass things on that we discover.

bullshit. you dont have to live your life like that. you have a choice to get out and break your daily routine.

let me ask you this. when was the last time you did something for the first time?


i used to look at life that least when i was much younger. then i realized that: "hey - I'm all grown up now". i can no longer say "when I grow up..." or "I won't do that when I get .."

It's like a format for living: you'll NEVER learn everything, so this means you'll always be learning. after school/college, through'll always learn something.

You notice the repetition less when you become more involved in your life, like joining activities, volunteering - that type of thing. However, you'll find that things are usually set up in a repetitious manner, so you'll be "scheduled". EX: After work on Mon - clean/cook/take out trash, Tue - exercise at gym with friend, Wed - work on project, Thur....etc.

You'll find that everything is like that. You'll have to implement your own ways to break the monotony.

Life is the same thing every day and it is different every day. If you focus on the same things, it is boring and un-exciting. If you focus on the different things, it is more exciting and different. I come to work on the same road every day. It is a 35 mile drive. But the sky is different. The people that I pass are different. The information on the radio is different. So the trip is not boring.
As far as heaven is concerned, we do not know what that is. Certainly it will be different. In the book/movie "What Dreams may come" the part that we see is a training ground for returning to earth. Most religions believe that it will be a total fulfillment that you can't even imagine now.

I like repetition when it events that I choose. Jobs and school were bummers, work and family life is a joy. I have done so many things that I picked what I like to keep repeating and do not feel like I miss anything. I do not believe in "Afterlife's" so I can just say goodbye when I die.

It is repititious to a certain degree. But then again, life is always changing. I guess it's your feelings about life that get mundane over time. If mine ever starts to get like this, I always find a way to shake it up whether I realize it or not!

I agree that LIVING can become a little colorless sometimes...that's why we have the capacity in us to appreciate art, literature, music and nature....that's the LIFE part of living...the opportunity for us to enjoy what has been created.

I feel that way you do...A LOT...but I have to think that IF there is a higher's up to each individual to define for themselves, what that purpose is. Not a lot of exciting stuff happens to/for seems that everyone around me is always 'traveling' lighter and faster than I do, and I seem to get left behind a that because I've been overlooked somehow?....or is it because I don't see my world the way everyone else sees it, and I'M the one who's missing 'it'.

And best friend tells me how precious I am to her...and my kids do something simple like laughing at my stupid jokes or bringing me my favorite dessert when then come home from a restaurant...or my 3-year-old neice calls me just to tell me that she learned how to dial MY phone number...and I know for sure that I'M the one missing the whole point of my own importance...

I understand what you're saying (I'm 55) and wonder about life as it is. The same thing, day after day and I wonder is this all there is to life? I'm a truck driver and when I can, I'll pull over out in the middle of no where just to look at the stars and that makes me feel really insignificant/small. But life isn't the same thing day after day and it took me some time to realize it. Each day is different if you're willing to look. Don't know how many people I've helped while driving whether they've run out of gas, had mechanical/tire problems, been stranded. You don't mention if you have any hobbies or not any and maybe that's why things look the same day after day. I've kept a diary since I was 18, build plastic models, play some video games, go fishing/camping.
But as to the after life, the way a lot of people describe it, it sounds boring as hell. I simply can't see myself being in heaven just to sing praises to God/Jesus/who ever you believe in for all of eternity. If that was the case, I think that/those deities have a lack of self worth/respect if they needed to be praised so much/so long.
I don't think I have a great life, but it is a good/fair one. It would be a great life if I worked harder at it. The only thing I'd like to do is find a woman to live the rest of my life with.

CUT THE CORD!!! If the life you live is percieved as repetitious in an unplesant way don`t feel obligated to continue on in the same manner every day...explore something new...DO something new..GROW in any way you can for life does not exist without growth.. We become shaped by the forms we submit ourselves to....and eventually even with the forms removed we retain the shape. Our daily routine has more to do with this than I would like to admit. Some need to travel the world to see and percieve things...another may understand the same by never leaving their place of birth.which are you? Try looking into "fractals"...The repetition of the simple, manifesting itself in the complex.. History repeats itself and so do we...but in the pattern is more than meets the eye... Patience comes from waiting for desires that do not manifest themselves....a virtue not easily accomplished, but a virtue none the less... But I have heard the definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Sounds like you are alive....and asking questions. Many people never question anything and follow the daily forms their entire life...and never get anything different....use that free will you have .....

I understand your thoughts on this. I could have written this myself a year or so ago.

Take care!

The trick is to become happy and satisfied in what ever position you find yourself in. Then you can be the best at whatever you do.
Ambition might help you gain material possessions, but you may not have any time to enjoy them.
Why not find joy and happiness in every day things instead of thinking about repitition or some reward later on?