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Position:Home>Philosophy> Does anyone feel like they are connected to something in nature?

Question:As in a special connection? Like they think about it everyday? As though they are as much apart of it as they apart of their own bodies? What is for you? Is it the stars? The mountains?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: As in a special connection? Like they think about it everyday? As though they are as much apart of it as they apart of their own bodies? What is for you? Is it the stars? The mountains?

I feel this way about trees. I have to live where there are lots of them, as if they are somehow a part of me. I love they're beauty and am sad when the are sacrificed for stupid reasons. If trees are cut to build houses, shape into furniture and the like, then it's not like the tree has died. It still lives on in it's new form

I know this feeling very well. I feel very connected to the clouds and to trees. They make me feel happy and complete.

the moon.its just so beautiful.its my big nightlight :)

the stars...

we are all

At the most fundamental level, we are all part of the same singular universe. That's what I think people mean when they say they are at one with nature, which is something I feel to be the case. At a fundamental level, we are nature.

You are connected to everything in nature. You can not be without nature. Minus these thinks from your life and tell me what remains! 1)sky 2) air 3)water 4) fire 5) earth.

I love nature - and the outdoors.

I often ride an ATV in the country - and take pictures ... I also do the same when I am at the lake.

God made nature -- and I think it makes me feel closer to Him when I am in the midst of all His wonderous beauty of it.

I love feeling the sun on my skin. It's like a big warm hug :)
I love being outside and just feeling the grass, the ground or looking at the sky. Basically anything, the mountains or the canyon I live by.

Cats (all kinds and sizes), trees (especially Rowan and Oak), mountains, rocks, flowers, home grown vegetables, the moon and many other things. I don't feel we are seperate from anything in Nature. Nature teaches us life lessons. Going with the flow of Nature brings a much better life than believing we are superior to it.