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Position:Home>Philosophy> What's your opinion of the phrase "Love Conquers All"?

Question:Does Love, true Love. Really mean theres no boundaries? That it defies both conditioning, fear and circumstance and at its most is eternal?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Does Love, true Love. Really mean theres no boundaries? That it defies both conditioning, fear and circumstance and at its most is eternal?

My opinion of the phrase "Love conquers all"? I would have to say that I can think of it in a couple different ways right off the bat. In the first, love is within us, we all have the capacity for love, if we are human, and so, love conquers all humanity from within. From a secular viewpoint, that word "conquer" kind of stands out in my mind when placed next to love and makes me wonder, "Is that what they really meant to say?" Love conquering all makes a really good point, especially where hindsight has 20/20 vision, someone obviously could see that, yes, Love indeed conquered all and was moved enough to utter this phrase. However, Love, perhaps, did not use war to conquer everything, love used - love. Perhaps you could also say,"Love is better than everything.", and still mean the same thing. Saying,"Love Conquers All", is said just to make the point in a more dramatic way. Perhaps, just a thought...

Secondly, I think of Love personified, although I do not consider myself limited to purely religious thinking, a similar phrase, "God is Love", comes to mind. And, when Love is unconditional, we, and Love, can cross many boundaries effortlessly, whereas without Love, or atleast some kind of attraction and familiarity, things can be much more awkward, difficult, and sometimes apparently impossible. In this sense, I think maybe Love did not actually do all the conquering. Instead, Love conquered several friends, and they (using love), conquered several friends, and so on and so forth... Unconditional Love allows people to see things as the really are, also makes a lot of things people do appear silly, and can be a natural feeling that allows people to look at the world in a completely different way, a much more positive way. I think you may want to add Unconditional Intelligence to mix though as well...

and thirdly, yes, a third idea, is one I hesitate to offer. It's kind of humorous, a play on words. You see, Saul, a character in the Bible, was a really nasty figure historically, so a variation of the phrase came to mind: "Love Conquer Saul". It's a command.

Surprisingly, I am indeed finding that Love is Eternal, and hope I live to tell my tale...

Good Luck with Love Mulder, I think you are on the right track...

nothing is eternal...

'Love Conquers All' is a Hallmark Greeting Card marketing slogan.

It's true. Love transforms all things. Why do we incarnate? To love again and again, only in different ways...we are the conquerers and conquered..

No boundaries means there are no norms, opening the flood gates to abuse and chaos.

"Love comquers all" is by definition, a romantic notion. Romance has a vital role to play in human life, so does getting real.

Well, it does conquer most things, but not all. There are boundries that are better left uncrossed. And it only burns until the flame inside us goes out. :D

Meaningless. There is nothing to conquer. Its all been conquered. Just a silly word play.

i think you can relax so deeply and accept things to such an extent that you feel love in everything. you will still react to oppose things which seem out of harmony with the circumstances, but there is what i guess is 'unconditional love' for life itself which goes beyond all circumstances and forms. i think letting go of the ideas which make us tense and consciously relaxing into every moment can take you to a love that is unconquerable. while i think this will give you great 'power' in the world, this love conquers the fear inside, rather than obstacles outside, which may still persist.

Well I have been in 3 marriages and I never have felt that my husband loved me as much or more than I loved him...
All husbands never knew what to get me for a special occasion like my birthday, Christmas, anniversary, mother's day, Valentines, or just for no reason...
They all bought gifts that I would never buy for myself, showing that they never listened to me or knew me well enough to look at something and say wow would she ever like this...
They never cleaned up after themselves to help me, even when I became disabled and it was hard on me to clean house...
I always ended up redoing things they messed up and had to do it over and over every day...
I simply am tired of it all...
The "love" never "conquered" all in my opinion...
It always seemed so one sided to me...
I often wondered if being married was the best choice for me after all...
However now that I am disabled, I am afraid I could never make it on my own, being out of work and living on social security like I am...
Prices are just too high on food, medicine, gas, rent and on and on...
So to me just having the companionship is ok...

Love is what human holds to have a perfect life and seek the happiness we are looking in life. Love conquers everything for evil could be transformed to goodness.

Thanks for asking. Have a great day!

When you are in love you are truly happy, and there is no fear. Before we can love others we must love ourselves. Love is the antithesis of hatred and selfishness. We can only be good if we can love ourselves and others, we need to love to exist in happiness. Although love can relieve all the burdens and suffering of hatred and emotional turmoil, we must accept it into our lives for it to help us. I believe love is eternal except not everyone knows how to feel love or experience it.

Virgil originally said it. Amor Vincite Omnia is the Latin. I think true love can overcome a lot of things, but it can't be just one sided.

I believe this is true, but I wonder as well how stupid I am to do so.

Sure, I'll say. I think that it is the entire ascent, the ultimate goal.

The greater bound, so free.

Whoops. Wanted to answer, but inadvertently hit the REPORT IT. Help, I don't know how to fix it.

To answer, my opinion of the phrase is that it's a great phrase. If we live our lives from a true love and appreciation of everyone and all around us, we will live in peace.

Hi Fox,
There are always Boundaries in Love...But the main thing My Friend is having Trust and Respect for each other without these 2 things you have nothing...
A Friend,

If you have that
you won the world and nothing else matters


I think its very unrealistic. Love does not conquer all..though it would be very nice if it were the panacea it was proclaimed to be.

There is no such thing as 'true love'.
I've been looking for years.
Although every love seems to start out promising, it seems to lose its luster over time...for me.
I can't (nor would I try to) speak for anyone else.

I don't think that human love can conquer all...but Divine love certainly does.

Well if you are one of those lovey dovey people then there is no fighting, no enemies, no wars. You have neither the desire nor the motivation to hurt anyone for any reason. You are a lamb. You will sacrifice yourself before hurting anyone else. Your love for all is the end game. No one can argue your point that love conquers all by the mere definition of the word love - the opposite of hate, which destroys all.