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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is the philosophy behind the movie The Usual Suspects?

Question:i need help with my homework and im not understanding it

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i need help with my homework and im not understanding it

There is always a bigger fish....always someone who understands the game we play better than we do..always something to bring what we have taken for granted to mind in ways we haven`t considered...fooling us. Agent Keulon (?) fell from his own vanity...his experience and the power he had as an agent clouded his vision His image of himself deluded him....He didn`t think the man in his office was capable of that degree of deception and the fisherman became the fish... blinded by his own superiority and position. Like it or not a great degree of life in this world is based upon image.. The image portrayed as yourself is oftentimes a subconscious thing unbeknownst to even you. If it is not real...another with perceptive abilities can manipulate that to their own benefit. The person that wants their own way allows their adversary to come up with the idea that they want, and as it is woven into their mind they identify with it..never knowing they are being used.... It is a good movie...

Philosophy is : DIY !

to put it very simply...transference. Soze suddently becomes his alter-ego to convince the customs agent that Keaton is their man. By not spending any time thinking up a story of trying to remember some constructed lie...he uses phrases, names, identities and locations from the bulletin board, as his basis fora story which to the appears that he is speaking naturally and truthfully

Its pure psychology, the game is a mind game, as to who can outsmart and out think the police, as the main character is the big fish they are after.
Its very clever, maybe you need to watch it with a different perspective
Good luck

I love Soltze, An unknown terror is more fearful than a familiar one.