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Position:Home>Philosophy> If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more ppl happy?

Question:Because they are ignorant of their blissfulness, and feel unhappy about it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Because they are ignorant of their blissfulness, and feel unhappy about it.

Because not everyone likes to take the ignorance approach.

Because when you pit one ignorant person against another, you get conflict!

because humanity isn't as ignorant as everyone thinks

ignorance ultimately causes suffering

because we are not
ignorant. plus no one is
really ignorant some thing your smart in and some things your not.
what you learned from life. your enviornment
you lived in. your age has a big factor.

laney but thats a cute

Ignorance is short term bliss and it is simillar to money can't buy happiness. True happiness can only be sought by finding who you really are and acting on what you find.

Because we're not ignorant...

good question... but i don't think ignorance for everything is bliss... becoming educated and compasionate i think is what will make ppl happy... when we have hate and revenge and friction between people, it doesn't matter how ignorant you are, it still isn't the best ingredient for happiness.... Education and compassion will make anyone happy in my oppanion:))

Ignorance is not the same thing as stupid.

Many people are stupid and have no guarantee of happiness.

If one is ignorant one has bliss (happiness) because one doesn't miss what one doesn't have.

Stupid people keep doing the same thing over and over, knowing that it isn't going to make them happy, and loudly complaining that they just don't know what went wrong.

Because they don't want to be alone and misery loves company.

Damn good question because there ought to be one Hell-of-a-lot more happiness according to the formula which, I believe to be valid.

Are you insinuating most people are ignorant?

who said that? i think otherwise

Because ignorance is innocence, not bliss.

Because the saying isn't true in all espects

bcuz that's just something we say.. ignorance leads you to an unreal reality and sooner or later you're bound to wake up and live the real thing! that's when you see that ignorance is not really a bliss.. that maybe you could have changed something if you knew it at least... or you just wanna know it to accept it deal with the idea and move forward..
plus, the thing that makes you happy today leaves you indifferent tomorrow.. we alwayz search and want more and more, never satisfied.. that's why we're never happy.. truly happy.. we look in the wrong places that's why..

Ignorance is like drugs, make people happy temporary ^-^

Once the effect wear off, the truth will hit them hard :-(