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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is your opinion on time?

Question:When they say time is warped when you travel at super high speeds does that imply that time is something similar to the fabric of space? If time can be "warped" then it would have to be something more than a progression of events. It would have to be it's own force, for lack of a better term. There are a million more thoughts on time running through my mind but I hope you get the gist of where I'm trying to get with my question. I eagerly await all of your answers.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: When they say time is warped when you travel at super high speeds does that imply that time is something similar to the fabric of space? If time can be "warped" then it would have to be something more than a progression of events. It would have to be it's own force, for lack of a better term. There are a million more thoughts on time running through my mind but I hope you get the gist of where I'm trying to get with my question. I eagerly await all of your answers.

You are asking what is time as a thing in itself. We can't even experience a table as what it is in itself. Science tells us that the table is mostly empty space held together by the strong nuclear force. But I still put my book on it just the same. You are talking about time as seen through the eyes of physics and then asking about our experience of time which is very different.

its divided by mind!

I don't know if time is something similar to the fabric of space, but rather when you travel through space you would have to be going so fast that time would be warped. (That is, assuming you are in the Enterprise or something). Time is strange to me in the sense that one minute an event can seem like a million years ago and the next minute it can feel like yesterday.

Unfortunately, time and space aren't the only things that are warped.
We as humans will probably never know, but the Bible says that to God, a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as a day (God is timeless). But that makes time variable...
So, I perceive time as being like a blanket: it can be laid out flat, or it can be folded/rumpled (like hills) or of course, folded into a neat pile.

According to Einstein, everything is relative, including time. For the most part, Time, is a man-made construct. The fact that there are 60s in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour & 24 hours in a day was not handed down to us by God.

Time and Space are connected, so if you can warp space, you can warp time, too. It is theoretically possible to warp space, severely reducing the travel time between two points in the universe. The Warp drive engines in Star Trek, warped the space around the Enterprise, thus decreasing the time it needed to travel to its various destinations, and to boldly go where no man had gone before.....

Time is not warped as such, it is relative. Your relative time slows the faster you travel, but time, as such, goes on as before around you. Space warps because of gravity, but warping is not right for what time does as you describe it. Time is a dimension, not a force.

Philosophers of time are deeply divided on the question on what sort of ontological differences there are among the present, past and future. There are three competing theories. Presentists argue that necessarily only present objects and present experiences are real; and we conscious beings recognize this in the special "vividness" of our present experience. According to the growing-universe theory, the past and present are both real, but the future is not. The third and more popular theory is that there are no significant ontological differences among present, past and future because the differences are merely subjective. This view is called "eternalism" or "the block universe theory."

Physicists generally work by looking for the equations of motion whose solutions best describe the system they want to describe. The Einstein equation is the classical equation of motion for spacetime. It's a classical equation of motion because quantum behavior is never considered. The geometry of spacetime is treated as being classically certain, without any fuzzy quantum probabilities. For this reason, it is at best an approximation to the exact theory.
The Einstein equation says that the curvature in spacetime in a given direction is directly related to the energy and momentum of everything in the spacetime that isn't spacetime itself. In other words, the Einstein equation is what ties gravity to non-gravity, geometry to non-geometry. The curvature is the gravity, and all of the "other stuff" -- the electrons and quarks that make up the atoms that make up matter, the electromagnetic radiation, every particle that mediates every force that isn't gravity -- lives in the curved spacetime and at the same time determines its curvature through the Einstein equation.

Below is a great site for spacetime questions.

time as we think of it linear (like a line)

when that line becomes warped the distance between 2 points on the line becomes distorted (changed)

those unlucky enough to be caught in it wouldn't know unless someone from outside (who knew about the warped time) the "warped" area came in and
told them

or they passed through to the other side and discovered that they were out of synch with ever where else during that time

such an event would be called a temporal disturbance

I believe the notion of "warped" time, with respect to high-velocity movement, is a bit of a metaphor. What happens is that time as EXPERIENCED while moving at high velocity is slowed down ("dilated").

The "fabric" of space seems metaphoric as well. There's a good discussion of the relationship between time and the three spatial dimensions in "The Time Machine" by H.G. Wells. Although pre-Einsteinian, it is still a good starting point.

The effect of the time dilation might be compared to "taking a short cut" with respect to how much of the dimension of time one has to experience. The spatial equivalent might be something like taking a tightly curved path rather than staying on the outside of a wide curve; a track runner who deliberately stayed at the outside edge while rounding a curve would have to cover a lot more ground.

I definitely think you should look for a better term than "force," by the way.

sands falling among your fingers from your hands

i see a special the other day talking about time it may help increase your timely thoughts!!
but time to us is the amount of frames our eyes see's a frame is like a photo and more frames put to gether is like a movie
so the more frames we see the slower time it is!
for example to go from the tv show i seen when we are on an adrenaline rush our minds tend to give us more frames giving us mroe time to think! and react it feels like it's going slower but it really isn't!
so our mind can distort time by the amount of frames we recieve

I also seen on some techy show these more advance camreas taking highspeed recordings of baloon popping even camereas can distort time!
if you look at a camra that only accepts 32 frams per second over one that has 64 frames per second watching a baloon pop on the 32 frames you will see part of the pop but mainly one frame will show the baloon and the other frame will be no balloon. with the 64 frames you can get an extra x amount of frames between the full balooon and the popped part!
the test was to see if you could notice that there were two baloons blown up and with out the hi speed camra you wouldn't even notice!

I have an interesting thought on time. We all seem to be governed by the same clock, but is that really true? Some people seem to get an extreme amount of things done in the same time it takes me to get my car insurance worked out. Some people also don't get tired as easy and it seems that they are given more time in this life. I believe that there are attributes within an individual which extend their time. What do you think?

Time is an illusion, Einstein said it best. But without the concept of time our human minds would go insane.

Time is one of the dimensions we humans exist within...

In other words, in our world we have created our simple concept of time based on our world around us - seconds, minutes, and hours adding up to one day, and 365 of those days equaling a year. A year is the time it takes for the earth to orbit once around the sun. From earth, it is interesting to note that we knew what a year was, because of the constant nature of the 4 seasons. We didn't know that earth traveled around the sun until Galileo and Copernicus figured it out.

So that's the dimension of time that we understand. We understand that in our world, time is a direction in which we are going.

Now, scientists in the recent past have figured out that the light that we see from the stars at night has taken a long time to reach our earth, otherwise known as light years. When scientists see a star explode, it actually exploded a long time ago, its just the light we see from that explosion. So that is outside our concept of time that we experience here on earth. In other words, time appears to be stretched, or warped, as you say. But that is the illusion because of the great distance between us on the earth and the stars light years away...

Think of it this way. Its the same idea with sound and images. When we watch the news, and a news anchor is reporting the news from your local TV station, when he or she is talking via satellite to someone on the other side of the planet, there can be a time delay in the communication between the two persons because it takes time for the information to travel. It's interesting to note that the two persons on TV on different sides of the planet are experiencing different timezones, but, through modern technology, can communicate within the same moment in time. If we were to try and communicate with other beings (if they exist) on other planets orbiting distant stars, the transmission from earth to that star would take light years just to reach its destination. The distance between stars and the respective solar systems around those stars is so great that if it were possible for two civilizations to exist at the same moment in time, we must realize that the technology to communicate between the two stars does not yet exist.

So it isn't so much that time is being warped or stretched, it's just a normal extension of how our concept of time exists outside our solar system. Within our solar system we deal with days, months and years, while outside our solar system we deal with light years. Who knows, someday we may discover how to bridge the gap between stars and galaxies...

And that is my opinion or concept, of time.
So, to answer your question, it would seem that, yes, time and the fabric of space are similar in that they are both dimensions, time being intangible and the fabric of space being tangible. It also reveals that we have a lot to learn and that there is a lot to learn about these two dimensions, outside our solar system.

Time does not exist.
All that has ever happened, ever will happen, and is happening is happening in the NOW.
NOW is all there is, in my opinion.
The past is in your mind and the present has not happened, nor will it ever, except in your mind... so NOW is all there is... that is just my opinion.