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Position:Home>Philosophy> Could you live in a world without hate? A world without evil? A world without co

Question:or do all these things add spice to the essence of life?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: or do all these things add spice to the essence of life?

Of course we can.
There should not be any doubt.
Can we all live in an ideal world?
Hell yes.

An innocent world. Where children live through their childhood untouched by evil.
Where the adults hunt only for food for the day. Fish enough to eat, grow fruits and eat as much as they can when it is plentiful.

Has this world ever came to be? Yes. Was that in the past? Yes.

What happened?

Progress happened.

You cant have the good without the bad. All the horrible things that are in the world just make the things that are good that much more beautiful and enjoyable. I wouldnt want to live in a 'perfect' world

I think we need the contrast to reasure ourselves that we are alive.

no because if we did by what standard would we judge good. you need both sides for balance

No, I couldn't because then there would be no me to live in a world. We are all both the negative and the positive, as well as everything else. The negative cannot exist without the positive, and vice versa. Though we try to love most of the time, we have times of hate. Though we try to be good, we have times of evil. Everyone is everything.

That would be so boring. What would we read about in the papers everyday? We need hate to have love. Although a world without poverty would be good.

EDIT: Ideal worlds? There will always be people with opposing opinions. And there will always be hate because of that. We are human because we have both good and evil inside of us. No one can be 100% good or evil and it is ridiculous to expect someone to be completely good, when we can not even define 'good' without someone thinking otherwise!

I agree with those else can we learn without experiencing the bad times of life. Most changes in life come from experiencing these things.

god this is such a blase thing to say
but how would you know light if there was no shadow?

I can and I will but, not in this lifetime

Add spice? Cayenne pepper adds spice.

Those evils add just grief...

funny how we define "world" sometimes isn't it?

Hate is love gone mad. Evil is a good with dysentery. Corruption is decency on a bus to hell and Poverty is privilege caged. All of the things you have listed are simply perceptions of the human experience and their opposing values . They are meaningless without their bases for comparison.

But first you have to correct yourself.remove hate,jealous,evil,corruption,poverty from your heart and don't expect any correction or even love from others.You can see the world you described.
These are not spices to add in your life, diseases to your body and mind.If you remove these things from your life,your health will improve.

Yes they add spice. Without the bad we couldnt cherish the good. So we need it, and it will always remain because thats the way life works anyways.

It is not the will of God that we live in this world without hate,evil,corruption and poverty. Satan the lord of hate,evil,corruption and poverty will always be in our midst. However, we can find our way because God has directed us and guides us for he is the way, the truth and the light.

In the book of common prayer (what Anglicans, Episcopalians use) there is an existential breakdown of who we are, at any given time in our lives, serving. It goes like this:

The world: The world is everything and everyone that does not have as its purpose serving God. It doesn't mean that worldly things are overtly evil and sinful, they could be things that contribute to idleness and venial sins. Or things that make us rationalize sin. (By this definition, "the world" is filled with corruption, poverty, hate and evil; that is what defines it.) The devil is the prince of the world (not the king, mind you.)

The flesh: That part of ourselves which does not have as its purpose serving God. Those tendencies we have toward idleness, over-indulgence, pride, white lies, jealousy, desire, gossip, lust, self-glorification and really all venial (more minor) sins. The part of us that just wants to let things go and feel good. It can lead to serving...

The devil: Pure evil. You may think it a bit strong of a description, but it is all too real. Just look at the news. The man who just shot his 3 children and himself. Child molesters, rapists, you know the lot. They are responsible for their own actions, but they are indeed doing the devil's work on earth, which is to destroy all goodness and innocence, all things good which God has created.

God: Not enough of us serve God and help to build his kingdom on earth. It is selfless and takes a lot of faith and discipline. But when you are willing to let God purify your life through faith, you find you are a changed person, still tempted (even more so by the devil because you are doing God's work) but able to overcome sin through the help of God.

So these things will always be a part of our world, a spiritual battleground between Good and Evil. Since we have free will, we have no choice over whether or not these things will exist. I suppose it is interesting to muse whether or not we could live without them We are mostly bad as humans, with that one part of goodness given to us from having been created in the image of God.

Probably, but I'm not going to hold my breath waiting. When God gave man free will, He knew that He was opening up a can of worms.

Life without conflict is boring, which is why entertainment from computer games to classical opera all feature conflict. Drama, tension and resolution are not possible without conflict.

But not all conflict can be called "spice". Spices add positive zest, while "hate", "evil", "corruption" and "poverty" are all negatives. Mis-describing negative matters in euphemistic terms fudges them. The four negatives at issue here arise directly out of extreme ego-centricity.

We live our first years as ego-centrics, we're supposed to grow out of it. Its hard to imagine a human society in which all adults are nurturing, emotionally mature givers not takers.

I could live in that kind of world. However, that would mean that I am dead and gone to Heaven!

Life would be pretty boring wouldn't it. This is also not possible.
People will always hate what they don't understand.
People will always want what others have which leads to evil, and corruption.
Poverty is a relative term. The poorest people in the U.S. have it much better that the poorest people in Africa.There will always be poverty because those that have something have no motivation to give it to someone else. People also have different abilities and some will always make poor decisions.
This is why communism and socialism will never work.

yes i hope to live in a world without these . at first we must control birth that results in the possibility of educate all people , all people to have work and have home and wife .society must progress at the point of view of culture. but all of these need very long time but i am confident we won't have ideal condition.

Good Question! I sure wish that we could live without all of the sin and evil in the world. Without it there would be no war, murder, robbery, death, pain, tears, fighting, name calling, jealousy, racism, judging, hurt. We would all live in unity. In my high school choir, we are singing a beautiful song composed by Andrew L. Weber. It is titled "Let Us Live In Peace" (you should look up the lyrics). It will bring tears to your eyes. World peace is just a dream and yes I feel that, unfortunately, it does add a lot of spice to life. Stories on the news, in the paper, etc. interest people. Even though, most of what we hear is tragic and very sad we become very interested in what happened and who was involved. However, I am sure that the majority of people would be very happy if there was no evil any more and would find something else to add "spice" to life. Even though, this will most likely NEVER happen. There is some unity left in the world and we can do our part to live without hate, evil, corruption, and poverty by helping others, community service, and just being kind to others! This is my opinion and I hope my opinion helped ( Even though I am young) : )

i odnt think i could live in a world without evil. yes evil isnt great, it causes pain and suffering. but without it, what would we have truly special and good in our lives?
if we dont suffer and hurt, what good is love to us?
Humans are all part chaos. we are never truly evil or truly good. every saint has done something that was not always good. every evil person has done something in their lives that was good.
you cant have good wihthout evil and vise versa.

hope this answer helped you out. very interesting question