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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you beleive in reincarnation?

Question:Some argue that it is comforting to think you don't fully die in the after life whereas others think they die and their soul disappears... tell me what you think and for those of you who have intelligent points to make.. a reasoning? Thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Some argue that it is comforting to think you don't fully die in the after life whereas others think they die and their soul disappears... tell me what you think and for those of you who have intelligent points to make.. a reasoning? Thanks!

The idea of reincarnation is as beautiful as it is simple.

Life is a wheel that turns and our place upon it is decided by the actions of the lives we have lived before. If you want a good life next time, be good this time. If you have a terrible life, you only have yourself to blame.

Of course, without a way to prove or disprove the concept, reincarnation could be easily seen as heartless and cruel because it firmly places the blame for any misfortune at the feet of those that suffer by saying that they did it to themselves.

I don't know if I believe in reincarnation but I do believe that you can visit a place that you have never been to before and know it intimately. Deja vu is often seen as a proof of sorts that reincarnation is true but I see it as a sign that our minds are open to impressions of the past.

I do not believe in reincarnation.
It just doesn't make any sense.
I believe that when we die, we are judged by God, and those who are deserving go to Heaven, where they will live eternally with God, and those who aren't deserving, will be condemned to Hell.
That was what God promised to us and that is what is going to happen.


I believe in the circle of life.

I believe that when you die, your soul goes to the Other Side. There, your soul recovers from it's hard time on earth, and then plans out everything that will happen in their next life on earth. Then they are "reborn" into someone else. So really, the souls never die. The same soul in a male in the American Revolution could be my soul right now.

i believe in eternal life after death.. in either Heaven or Hell. My reasoning... In the Bible, Jesus says to the thief hanging next to him on the cross, "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise." He doesn't tell him you will be in purgatory, or come back in another life, He tells him he will be with Him in paradise.

People Usually believe in reincarnations because of the birthmarks that they see on other peoples bodies.

I try to keep an open mind about things, but I don't put much faith in it.

Well I have 2 things to say....I can remember, just like it was yesterday, that i was at this carnival that was located near our home, but heres the kicker, It hasn't been there since before I was born!! Now explain that...and, something kinda freaky, I once met a man who insisted that he knew me in another life!! That I was a queen or something like that. He got my address and tryed to talk to me all the time...kinda weird but he was serious as hell!! So, I dont really know what to think, I honestly believe that there is a heaven waiting for me soooo...I dunno, very intersting question though.

Reincarnation is making a comeback!

If one has an open mind and has dwelled upon the universal question of our existance, it serves little purpose to live but once and die forever. It does make sense to experience many lives to understand the true nature of our existance as can only be seen in retrospect over many lifetimes.

I go to go now...but I'll be back.


i do not believe in it. although it doesnt make any sence hlf the time but when some one explains it in a way i can understand then i will believe it

I believe that there is God and He made the universe and after i die, my soul with be with Him in heaven or go to hell. I believe this because His son came to earth and that's what He communicated to us aka humankind. These doctrines are part of a religious doctrine that has bettered my life in more ways than i can count, and proven its power with hundreds of scientifically proven miracles.
I also believe that i could be wrong. there are millions of people who believe in no God, or multiple gods; no heaven and hell, or reincarnation until you reach nirvana... each of these religions serve their followers in their individual ways, maybe their beliefs are correct, maybe they are the same as my beliefs, but put in very different language - maybe the TRUTH exists as a medley of these different religions, or none. There is no way of 100% proving the existence of a soul or its post-life destination.
I believe that it's important to explore multiple religions with an open mind to different cultures' lifestyles, but if you want to believe something, pick the religion that serves your life and makes the most sense to you and stand by it.

I find the whole reincarnation concept mind-bogglingly depressing. Who wants to spend eternity living life after life, with no memory of what came before? It's just as bad as the idea of there being no soul or afterlife at all. Especially if you believe you can be punished in your current life for bad things you did in a previous life that you have no memory of? Where does that get fair? If the powers-that-be are going to punish you for your sins, why not do it at a time when you know what they are??

I'm a Christian. I believe that there is life after this life, but we don't come back to Earth to live again. If we have kept our souls pure, we return to the realm of our Father, where we continue to progress in ways we can't really understand now. But whatever it entails, we retain our memories. We remain the same person we were in life. No other kind of afterlife really makes sense to me.

I think it represent weakness and fear to believe in reincarnation. The belief in after life comforts us. Some people can't deal with the complete cessation of life after dying, as that evokes fear, even panic in them. That is why I can't blame them. It's just like someone not being able to lift 235lbs at the gym. He just can't do it, but he will eventually get there. Let him get there on his own, it is his natural right. And if he chooses not to, leave him and get on with your life.

Even the belief in total cessation of bodily functions is a belief and thus even non-believers are believers. What you believe does not matter, as the ultimate event is always the same. Only how it made you live your life while you were living.

I was raised christian , but rarely go to church. deep in my soul I have always believed that there is a god and he created everything. whats weird though , most of my convictions come from just observing everyday life. the world is a beautifull place , it is a creation. look at anything , say a car. that car started as a vision in someones mind , then it was probably drawn out in some form. from there it became a reality. I believe that trees , flowers clouds and all else , started in someones mind , then came to fruition. that mind would be gods. nothing comes from nothing , and all else starts in the conscientious of god.

sure. I was king with a large kingdom, had three beautiful children, a beautiful wife. Riches beyond belief sadly I was hanged because of a decree I passed on to my subjects (they got very upset at me) and so they started a revolution and so there I go--hanging on a tree far from the land I once lived, governed, ruled over and now hated me.
So, I then in the other side cried like a child there sitting and thinking as my soul rested from the pretty good life I lived and from the beating my subjects gave me ( not nice) and decided that I would come back as a student at the university so that I could obtain my masters degree in psychology. But now that I read your question why would I come back as a student? Why not like a Donald Trump, or Bill Gates or a freaking wealthy man and not as a student? So in conclusion reincarnations sounds like a good fairy tale of sort but my God mentioned that men will die once and then the Day of Judgment. The Bible tells me so that there is no reincarnation. Peace out

when we die we are dead

My knowledge is somewhat liited on this topic, but from what I can see, it makes perfect sense.
Your soul does not disappear....The law of matter states that matter cannot be created nor destroyed, and the soul os matter.
My personal belief is that after the soul has rested, it may choose to come back, as there truly is not that much to do when you are dead. An eternity spent doing nothing is my idea of Hell.

And yet who's to say that reincarnation is not a birth to life in heaven? And who's to say that heaven is not just a new, better life on a new, better earth? But then heaven may be a kingdom in the clouds, as many believe. Nobody knows for sure.

If you look at it scientifically, energy never ceases to exist. It just changes. How our spirit (or energy) changes is the unknown. It's nice to think we could go on to some great reward in the sky and nice to think we will be reborn, given another go at life. I don't like the idea of cessation of existence. I'm a little too sentimental for that. Who knows how our energy will reestablish itself in the universe. Hopefully we "level up" though.

Yes. Reincarnation make sense because it is like recycling.
Energy cannot be created or destroy.
If our souls cannot be destroy, it must be recycled.
Nature recycle everything including our souls.
Evidences of nature recycling is everywhere.
Example - water.