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Position:Home>Philosophy> Could a major portion of the population - just dissapear?

Question:With recent developments at CERN - involving links between gravity and time, and the biblical accounts of Angels breeding with humans; What if a large percentage of the population is actually derived from people in our near future - travelling back in time to appear as Angels in the past?

If we decided not to do it this time around - could people just dissapear?

(From historical records - Angels were seen as humans with the ability to fly with advanced technology)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: With recent developments at CERN - involving links between gravity and time, and the biblical accounts of Angels breeding with humans; What if a large percentage of the population is actually derived from people in our near future - travelling back in time to appear as Angels in the past?

If we decided not to do it this time around - could people just dissapear?

(From historical records - Angels were seen as humans with the ability to fly with advanced technology)

And why not? It is a proven fact that certain cultures up and vanished....heavy researching going on now....

Ainu of Japan...Said to be Caucasian and hairy is still out
Ninth Roman Legion(not a culture, but disappeared without a trace) still out
The Triangles around the world....5-6 of them...Bermuda is only the most publicized

Just a few many more....

I never heard that all those bogus story on Angles as "historical records"----that's the way you mentioned. Those could be mythology or, with respects, could be some story from any religion. But wait! Global Warming is going to be the CAUSE of 'disappearing' millions---including you the Westerners!

sweet thought! reducing human population would do wonders for the strain on the enviroment and social unrest that is growing...
I think that if you know any of these Angels, you should certainly suggest they take off for another time :)

I have a much more intelligent question:

And what if Godzilla was real and he ate you?

It is only a myth that Angles are breeding with human. Birth &Death are emminent , but not disappearing.

Not even the basis for a good science fiction story. No, it didn't, and won't, happen.

well we wouldn't "decide not to do it this time around"
because we have already done it
if what you're suggesting is true.
which i doubt.

but its the grandfather clause i think you're getting at.

Where are all the visitors from the future now? Did those angels fly with feathered wings?

Sitting nice and high above sea level i can see lots of people vanishing when the polar caps melt.

Wasn't part of the reason for the biblical flood to kill all the human-angel hybrids, children of the Nephilim (fallen angels) and lovely human women.

So if you're going on the supposition that the biblical stories of angels are more than just mythology I assume you would also want to say that the great flood happened and already killed all the children of the Nephilim and humans.

Therefore if humans in the future change their mind or are persuaded or coerced to not go back and impersonate angels it actually would have the opposite effect than the one you mention.... God would have less reason to wipe out the population with a flood and so humanity may have been spared that tragedy and thus there would be many more of us on Earth now than there are.

Sorry I've strayed so far from your point that I'm kind of standing alone out here on a flood plain.