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Position:Home>Philosophy> What isn't the meaning of life?

Question:Let's try to flip the question around and see what we get. :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Let's try to flip the question around and see what we get. :)

DEATH - the event of dying or departure from life; the permanent end of all life functions in an organism or part of an organism

A world of harmony would really be dull.

To be fruitful, and multiply to
carry on the species (flip it)

The opposite of whatever it is that we know life as right now.

If nothing makes sense, then everything is nothing and the result is nonsense

Destroyin the universe because after that there is no life to have a meaning

No meaning just eat, sleep, roam around aimlessly and eat sleep roam again like animals..

Eating donuts with cops after they pull you over and fine you big time. The search for the meaning of life. To spit and laugh in the face of God. To love thy neighbors wife (although fun as it is) and covet his 18 year old daughter.
Actually I would have to retract that.
To commit suicide I think is the best I can come up with.

Anything that might qualify as one of the Seven Deadly Sins might be a good place to start, just as a framework:

--Sloth isn't it. (laziness, oversleeping, passivity, permissiveness)

--Gluttony/Addictions aren't it. (to food, drugs, alcohol, gambling, shopping...)

--Lust isn't it. (nope, not for red-hot sex, steamy foreplay *or* any flights of fancy or fantasy....nor is it the frothy fan-worship the young heap on their favorites *this week*)

--Pride isn't it. (what's there to be proud of that doesn't fade away with time? Like posessions, ethnicity, family, livelihood...nations and *empires* can fade away in a single lifetime)

--Envy is *surely* not it. (The meaning of life is *not* about jealously hungering and drooling over what everyone else has that you don't.)

--Ditto with Greed. (He who dies with the most toys *is still dead* and can't play with them. In time, money is paper, posessions just rot in a landfill--or in a vault if you're careful)

--And Wrath....has to be the anti-thesis of the Meaning of Life, since it would be the Prime Motivator for most of the violence, hatred and destruction going on, at least on this planet. Wrath would be the desire for the *end of things*, preferably in as firey, juicy and visceral a manner as possible, so that the "sweetness" of victory doesn't become *bitter ashes* in the throat right away.

So the meaning of life that remains, it would seem, is that you live up to the nobler, more humane side of your potential. That you really *do* have to live a life *of meaning* to get to the Meaning of Life--that living in the moment just leaves you open for the pitfalls above and many, many others.

But hey, what do I know? ^_^ I've been wrong before, don't mind being corrected.

you were given life, which in the first place is a miraculous thing, it begins with having respect for yourself ,and others
being focused .for you future.. finding out what you love to do in your life and doing it with passion... you'll never work a day in your life....

to be a self-righteous, arrogant, selfish, ignorant person
or to be ann coulter

Anything that people posit as the meaning of life is really not the meaning of life because life has no metaphysical meaning at all. All it does is randomly evolve and reproduce itself.

Mankind is just another life form that will quite possibly become extinct in about 500 years because of global warming. Life will continue to evolve and reproduce itself, of course, but we will no longer be around to observe it.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.