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Position:Home>Philosophy> If you could choose only one of two pleasures in life which one would it be????

Question:" pleasure of the body " or " pleasure of the mind "

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: " pleasure of the body " or " pleasure of the mind "

Personally I would say the mind
because I think the mind can exist without the body and can expereince not only physical but emotional and spiritual.

I know the idea that the two are not mutually exclusive is a smart answer... but do we really know that they are not?

What i do wonder though is if a mind knows how to know pleasure without the body as fascilitator... I can imagine a living mind in a dead body being tortured because its has lost its traditional environment... what then does it do... how does it do?

But... the mind of someone that has transended time and space... can exist in a plane that is more metaphysical... perhaps they are better candidates

I would have to say mind.

Partially because there can be no pleasure of the body without pleasure of the mind.

i would say mind because then, with that mind, u can change the form of ur body

well what do you meen like in a woman or something well i would still go with mind ^_^

Pleasure of the mind, because the mind is where we can find the beginning of the Divine; and hence, the beginning of understanding.

neither, i choose Jesus!

I believe one pleasure is not possible without the other. This question is flawed.

It assumes that physical pleasure is mindless and the mind can experience pleasure without the awareness or stimulation of the senses. Neither is true

You can't choose one of those. The mind helps the body and thats that. If you have no mind, you cant control your body. If you dont have the body, then what's the mind for? So I choose both

Your choices are so utterly limited that if I had to choose I would relinquish both of them.

pleasure of mind...happiness and all other emotion are basically in mind only

the mind i can mentially have intercourse with my partner !! :)
and still get the reactions

This question is flawed. It assumes that there is a difference between the mind and the body. What we think of as the mind is reducible to electrical impulses and chemical reactions in the brain. Thus, pleasure of the mind is just pleasure of the body.

Pleasure of the mind. I have too much fun with my imagination and daydreaming.

Mind wins hands down. Lasts longer than body

pleasure of the mind definetely!
this is an easy question.. the key to everything is the mind..
i've known the pleasure of the mind and it's amazing!

One depends of the other it is impossible to choose one or the other