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Position:Home>Philosophy> Today I learned to really believe in the law of attraction. If you put it out to

Question:It will come back to you. Who agree and those of you who disagree should try this! It will change your life!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It will come back to you. Who agree and those of you who disagree should try this! It will change your life!

I agree.
Think about it-let's say you decide one day that you don't like one person. After that, all you'll look for is things that person is doing wrong, so they will in effect become wrong to you.
Many scientists have debated if reality is really created by the observer. They've done tests with photons (emitions of light) and found that the photons behaved differently when observed-even if the observing was done by a camera. Scientists just recently discovered this blob of energy out in space that seems to respond to the world's emotions.
I believe the law of attraction is all about belief. The optimists in the world wake up every day feeling that things are good. If you're used to a world of good, you'll accept nothing less. Negative people, on the other hand, might just allow evil and discomfort because they believe they should be getting that.
The law of attraction has been proven. This person did this thing with drops of water-he took pictures of droplets (or maybe it was snow crystals) and put messages on pieces of paper near them. The ones near pieces of paper saying "I'm beautiful" look more beautiful than the ones that say, "I'm ugly."
It's great that you've accepted this. I hope you and others can be inspired by my message. I learned about this from my mom at a very young age, and it's helped me ever since. It may seem weird to some people, but really, all it is is believing good will come to you.
Most people know about "The Secret," but there were tons of people talking about the law before that. I'd recommend They broadcast shows on a variety of topics, and you can download them to your I-pod or listen online. I also recommend Wayne Dire's books (I think that's how it's spelled), Ask and It is Given (though it may sometimes seem a little freaky), and if you want to find out more about the water thing, look for "The Miracle of Water" at your local bookstore. It looks like a picture book, with the pictures of the crystals pictured above the messages they were placed near.
Good job for accepting this. I hope you can find a bunch of people in your community who can help you with this. A Unity church will talk about this stuff, sometimes, but you can always learn it on your own. The most important thing is that you DO learn it.

I kinda do

Generally I think it works, as long as people are realistic about it.
You might want to post this in the Religion/Spirituality section too. I see questions on this all the time over there.

I agree. That which you put your energy into/towards seems to fill up or to rebound into your life. Put your thoughts toward the good.

I agree 100%. Always be positive.