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Position:Home>Philosophy> Smoke Me A Kipper, I'll Be Back For Breakfast! ???????

Question:what on earth does this mean?! Its on peoples myspaces and stuff but what does it mean?! Please explain :}

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: what on earth does this mean?! Its on peoples myspaces and stuff but what does it mean?! Please explain :}

I believe it means...cook me a fish with a kite and I will be back to eat it. If you don't I'll eat you instead. Mu ha ha ha!

Okay, I really don't know what it means.

It's a line from the campy British TV series "Red Dwarf". The character fond of saying it is in a sense the ultimate adventurer and awesome guy. That person everyone respects who flies right into danger without batting an eye. It is probably just mostly a reference to that attitude or series.