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Position:Home>Philosophy> Did you ever get so wrapped up in making a living that you forgot who you were--

Question:I try to but my wife keeps reminding me how sweet I am, and then I want to kiss her. Work? What work.....?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I try to but my wife keeps reminding me how sweet I am, and then I want to kiss her. Work? What work.....?

yes. it's terrible.

Sounds like you've been watching Click (movie)

yah too often

Once, yrs. ago...prior to the time I retired.


Yes, I was very loyal and committed to the same company for over 21 years. When new owners took over, I got an 8 minute notice and then I had to rethink my life which did include going back to my natural talents and gifts.

Nope, fourtantly, I have horrible credit, so even if I made a awesome buiseness nobody would elt me spend my money. lol.. I haved no natural talents and/or gifts considering I'm the first human they tested A.I. adaptive human merging with..

Well if you get caught up in pleasing others you will eventually lose yourself. You have to remember to keep everything in life in balance.

Sometimes you can't help it with the way the world is today. Money is never enough, and if you have a family to look after, you simply can't put yourself in the forefront. But you should make time for you regardless even if it's just a half hour a day. Everyone needs a little grounding! ;~)


My job is what I DO, not who I am.

Yes, and I pretty much lost the talent for oil painting that came so easily when in high school.

Sometimes it happens with everyone that he gets so absorbed in making a living - not making a living for himself but for the family he has and his responsibility to them - that he forgets what he is and the world around him and the gifts offered by it. He just doesn't see or feel anything. He geets obsessed with his objective.

This happens to a lot of people in a world where work is divided up into innumerable specialities.

A typical career pattern is that people practice their specialities until they become really good at them, and then they get bored of what they are doing and burn out.

Quite sadly, no matter how much you may love to do something, if you do enough of it, in time you will get sick of it.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.