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Position:Home>Philosophy> If there is one thing the UNIVERSE you would wish for,what would it be?

Question:Not including friends and family (because they're more to what we wish for).

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Not including friends and family (because they're more to what we wish for).

i would wish for everyone in the universe to be happy, healthy, safe, and kind to one another

Genuine happiness.

To be able to feel God's love. Or to understand God totally.


Enough Money to be able to take care of all the needs of whom I love.

a baby of our own

Goodness. think good, wish good, speak good and do good.

A healthy environment (includes no pollution,no war,no jealousy,no scarcity of food)which never affects the human life.

I wish the human race would be happier.

A race of aliens whom we can learn from to set aside our petty differences.

Peace on Earth

To stop all the pain and suffering and bring peace to every one Sorry that is three wish's

a good president that will take care the constituent in her heart. pls