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Position:Home>Philosophy> Who are YOU Named ...After?

Question:are you:
a. happy.
b. sad.
c. indifferent ( I don't care).
d. changed your name.
e. other: explain?
f. forget it! YOU don' t want to know!
g. none of the above.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: are you:
a. happy.
b. sad.
c. indifferent ( I don't care).
d. changed your name.
e. other: explain?
f. forget it! YOU don' t want to know!
g. none of the above.

My mom got my name off a BATHROOM WALL in a TEXACO.

I could be named after anyone...

The girl who does anyone, anywhere...
For a good time call...

I am....
(e.) other: explain? well, I could think of a few other names I would rather be...but, since she took so much time and effort and forethought into my name...I decided it must be special.

I'm sorry....what?

Oh, ok. I guess I'm indifferent.

After my grandmother that died when my father was very young. And, I am honored

I was named after my great-grandmother. My mother's, mother's mother. I like it when I am cooking for a holiday and realize that I am following traditions like all the women who went before me and probably cooking the same types of traditonal foods that she did. Unfortunately, I didn't have a girl to pass the feelings of tradition on to. It is not quite the same with boys.

im named after my aunt its creepy because we looked alot alike and now shes dead. but im happy because now im the aunt and everytime a child calls me auntie i think of her

I'm named after the character Ayla from "Clan of the Cave Bear."

I like it, Ayla isn't a very common name. I haven't met anyone else in person with my name.

my dad im a very happy person

My mother is a dictionary fanatic, so she picked mine out of there. And since the definition of that word fits me so well, I am happy with.

I feel that it doesn't matter what I am called, I will always be me....If i were called the Spawn of Satan, which I am not, I would still act the way I do now....would still be ME.

My name is unique among my family, as i am unique among the people I know.

I am happy with my name. No one else really has it.

i`m happy about my name because i still haven`t met anyone with the same name. i think it`s thee most unique! by the way, my name is adanze.

denise-goddess of wine
yes,i am definitely happy with my name.