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Position:Home>Philosophy> What do you think about this question on existence?

Question:What do you think of this of this question on existence?
Question Details: What if we wear a fraction of a whole in the universe.
God = The whole
We = The fraction

What if god wasn’t what we thought He/She was? What if He/She was a entity that sought experiences? With each person came new experiences? The experience of being male, female, black white, tall, short, fat , skinny, and so on.

What if when we die there is no haven, we the fraction returned to the whole that is god. We’d became not the nothing that Atheist believe us to become or the angels that Christians believe us to become.

Purgatory then would be the wait for the whole to experience the fraction. Hell would be the rejection of the experience.

And I'll do you one more, reincarnation would have to be the experience redone.

Now think of this, what if the whole that seeking an experience was seeking a experiment instead with the same rule above applying.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What do you think of this of this question on existence?
Question Details: What if we wear a fraction of a whole in the universe.
God = The whole
We = The fraction

What if god wasn’t what we thought He/She was? What if He/She was a entity that sought experiences? With each person came new experiences? The experience of being male, female, black white, tall, short, fat , skinny, and so on.

What if when we die there is no haven, we the fraction returned to the whole that is god. We’d became not the nothing that Atheist believe us to become or the angels that Christians believe us to become.

Purgatory then would be the wait for the whole to experience the fraction. Hell would be the rejection of the experience.

And I'll do you one more, reincarnation would have to be the experience redone.

Now think of this, what if the whole that seeking an experience was seeking a experiment instead with the same rule above applying.

Possible, it is somewhat similar to what Buddhism is about except that the Buddha has transcended beyond experience to need to reincarnate and suffer, while the rest of the mortals are still to learn it over and over until we get the fine point.

Sounds fun if you don't mind the repetitions and then the long eternity. Of course, it is too bad for those looking for meaning in life because it is just a long series of emotional rides.

If such is to be the case then feelings and thoughts are pretty much irrelevant.

I'm afraid an existence like that would be hell. There is no form of love in this, only individual illusory selves being created to experience sensation, only to be swallowed back up again and spit out once the entity wanted new experiences.

Precisely! Thank you. If God is an ocean, then we are all individual glasses of God.


That is pretty much how it is....