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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why is life so hard?

Question:Where is the humanity and the brotherhood amongst the people? Where has our vision gone? How did selfishness prevail over our human nature to look out for each other?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Where is the humanity and the brotherhood amongst the people? Where has our vision gone? How did selfishness prevail over our human nature to look out for each other?

Humanity and brotherhood now seem to be a thing of the past. Unfortunately, it has turned into survival of the fittest as morale has changed thereby changing the vision. People are out for themselves nowadays and there is much less human nature in the world that it is totally unbelievable. People need to start passing the word that it does not make you inferior to show humanity. If you have been stepped on by showing humanity to someone and it didn't work out, don't believe that one person makes the world. Continue to show humanity to others. One apple doesn't spoil the whole bushel. We need to start learning or asking ourselves how we can help ourselves as well as others or in a time of need think about the fact that had humanity still existed, you wold be able to obtain help, even from people you've never met before.

Umm, nothing is new under the sun. Human beings have been like this since the beginning of time. Maybe it's your perspective that is beginning to change, and now you're seeing people in a different way now.

that's what makes it fun.

greed...the rich get richer and the rest of us suffer....

but with good friends and family we will survive... :)

It is a pain at times isn't it?

Love and blessings Don

Life is supposed to be hard. If it were easy, everyone would succeed at everything they do.It's not called the "School of Hard Knocks " for nothing.
Greed is the downfall of humanity...wherever there is greed, people serve it , rather than each other. Human nater is really sort of like Darwin...the strongest survive, while the weak perish.
I wish it were not this way. But as long as people have greed- forever in other words- it will continue to be this way.

Probably it has always been like that

It has seemed to have got worse since the millenium i think!
Swearing and peoples attitude like a normal routine to them!
And as for political correctness well don't get me started on that!
But I remember my old dad always used to say "you get out of life what you put into it" and I think he may have been right.
Good luck.

Because, You Make It That Way........................!

Humanity and Brotherhood, is a Contradiction of Terms....!

Vision = WHAT, line of sight or ideology ! ! !

Selfishness is a part of Human Nature-Self Preservation ! ! !

Life is hard because you make it out to be that way. And by doing that, other people will think the same way because of the way others act. But if they just changed their perspective they'd see a whole new world.

The world is run by egotistical humans. Money and Greed rule their lives, and it is directed out of them onto us like sunlight in the day and we are affected. We need new leaders, but we can't exactly dump them and get new ones. People are so bent on pleasing others so they "fit in" they no longer are an individual but are herded into one group and become miserable. They are like mindless zombies; they act the same, and their miserable thoughts project onto everyone else and problems are born everywhere.

hi my friend life is hard ,but we can make it easy for our self we have to be awaken it all ego, you have to confront the ego identify it , when you confront it all fears are gone and you can be your self it all ego. i wish the best for you.