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Question:of happiness that others learned from you, but which didn't work for yourself?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: of happiness that others learned from you, but which didn't work for yourself?

believe in yourself
I just can't ever seem to do that

" De touch, be an observer of yourself "
So difficult for me.... It has been easy to some of my friends though....

I had never known of any such thing like that. I guess there could've have been, but methods to happiness is to find the method of happiness for you. Not think of the ones that don't work. But if I had to choose: religious beliefs I would have shared with someone long ago that don't work for me now, but would still for them.

Sometimes I think there is. It seems like there are times when I can encourage others to be happy and yet not find my own...but I am getting there, finally! :)

Hold on to your misery so tight that it suffocates it.

All that did was make me arm and leg weary and so I went to sleep and when I woke up the misery was still there but I was too tired to care.

I have since replaced it with the thought "Stuff happens." I picked that one up at a pillow shop. I have yet to figure out why it was written on the ladies room wall or for that matter what i was doing in the ladies room to begin with.

That's a tough question because happiness for most people is transitory. So I have known people who thought that they found happiness in a way that I know doesn't work for me but later they found themselves unhappy. I have achieved happiness in practice called Mind of Life. I came to this when I was struggling with Christianity and found it on the website: My brother has started this approach with great results as well. It is not at all religious - it is very practical and intuitive but also does help you nurture your inner self. Different approaches work for different people, but the Mind of Life is very unique - it has 5 principles for success and happiness and they are very applicable I would think for anyone. a clown

find the humor behind each ordeal, laugh, smile with them...i say that quite often...i do mean it but on its truest sense, things are not as simple as putting on a mask. coz behind every mask is a flesh you feel and touch.