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Position:Home>Philosophy> Have YOU ever felt "GOD'S GRACE"?

Question:What does this phrase "GOD'S GRACE..."mean? (I'll listen)

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What does this phrase "GOD'S GRACE..."mean? (I'll listen)

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Sure every time I really mess up and God fixes it .....

Can't say that I have. Haha.

Yes, many times:

When I realize that I have done something stupid and been spared terrible consequences. This is God's grace.

Whenever I see someone whose life has been tragic due to things they could not control, and I realize my life has been spared the same suffering. This is God's grace.

When I lie in bed at night with no hunger, cold, pain or fear, and I know that these are blessings I didn't earn. This is God's grace.

When I know that I was born in a country that allows freedom, opportunity and more equality than most. This is God's grace.

When I see my healthy children and know that many mothers have children who have illnesses that never allow them to run or walk or speak or play. This is God's grace.

When I type these words and know that I take literacy for granted in a world where so many never even get a chance to learn to read. This is God's grace.

God's grace enters my heart when I acknowledge that many of the things I take for granted are not things I earned or even deserve. And when I see someone less fortunate, I always think of the old saying, "There, but for the grace of God, go I."

I will say yes I have felt Gods Grace. God's Grace is when you look at your life and remember all of the things you've done wrong and don't deem you worthy of anything and you look around and see that you have more then you deserve not just material but in everything and you are grateful, its the sense of peace, humbleness, appreciation and gratefulness in that moment. That for me is GOD's GRACE.

I most euphorically and ecstatically feel God's grace when discussing something spiritually very deep with another person at the moment we both realize that we're not existing on this earthly plane, that our unity, our oneness belongs to another realm, a paradisaical realm. This ephemeral, fleeting, fleeting moment is so overwhelmingly profound that it can bring on intense joyful weeping.

Did you not notice this is the Philosophy section? Which God do you mean? I think I may have felt Zeus's Grace, once. ONCE!