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Position:Home>Philosophy> If there is no afterlife, what becomes of our souls?

Question:I'm not saying there is or isn't an afterlife.

I just wonder what becomes of our soul IF there is not.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm not saying there is or isn't an afterlife.

I just wonder what becomes of our soul IF there is not.

~~ I wonder about this myself. I know what I already believe & what I'd like to believe,but there is always that "What if". That's why I like to get other people's opinions on this matter.
Before my husband died he had told me that our souls are energy & energy never dies ,so our loved ones are always here & all that crap,which is probably true ,but I didn't understand what he meant. Then one night he passed away while resting on the couch. After "they" came to take him away I didn't want to leave him because I didn't want to lose him,but I remembered what he had said about our souls and energy hanging around forever:so I figured he was still on the couch. And I wanted to be the one to absorb that energy of his so I more or less didn't leave that couch until we buried him. Even afterwards,I stayed on that couch for a of couple months. People came over who loved him,and they sat on the couch too. I didn't tell them this,but they were probably absorbing his energy and soul too. If there is no afterlife,our souls probably are absorbed into everybody who knows and loves us. So we really do live on forever. At least I hope so. ~~

They get recycled into bullets so the army can save money

If there is no afterlife, do we even have souls?

What exactly is a soul? Have you ever seen one? Has anybody ever seen one? A soul is what's inside of you, the way you carry yourself, the way you treat others. Since I'm quite sure that there is no after life (why should there be?), our "soul" just ceases to exist.

Have fun

They get joined with other souls into a ball of energy in outerspace.

Souls are a human creation. We don't have souls, just a nice series of chemical reactions.

What is a "soul"?
When you die, your cells cease to function. You rot.

I think we go to heaven or hell but some people think the souls just stop existing

No soul.
No afterlife.
No Heaven or Hell.

You die, that's it.

be good go to heaven and chill with elvis you be bad yo go to hell....hope i helped

LOL..It all depends on who you ask. And I assume you're asking for people's personal opinions because no one really knows for sure. I believe that -- and given your scenario that there IS no afterlife -- our souls will reincarnate and we will live as someone else in the future.

Our energy is absorbed into the universe and continually converted to other forms.

Souls are basically energy so it would just be recycled back into the atmosphere.

There are many instances of rebirth inheriting all the qualities of earlier life. Under this background it may be presumed that the souls revisit.

If there were no afterlife, we would remain in our bodies forever and decay into dust. Forgotten into nothingness.

Then it means we have no soul.

I believe that the soul is the energy present in our bodies that makes us uniquely "us". Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it just transfers into another form. I believe that this energy, or our "soul" can go wherever it wants, and seeks to find new existences, and to transfer to a new realm of consciousness. We live inside of our own imaginations, and whatever we think is possible since we are unteathered by our mortal bodies.

I can tell you right now that their is a heaven and a hell. If you do not accept Jesus Christ as your savior and live your life the way that God calls for you too, you will end up in hell. (How very reassuring right? lol!) But it's not what your thinking right now. God is merciful and he loves us SO very much. More than a mother's love for her child. So much that he sent his only son to die on the cross for us to be forgiven. And Jesus loves us so much that he chose to die for us. He could have gotten out of it easily, but he chose instead to sacrifice himself for us.
If you think about it: Raise your hands in the air now. They are in the victory position. Jesus's hands were nailed to the cross in the victory position! Therefore, Only victory can come through christ!
God will do anything for us, and he answers every prayer we have wether we know it or not. He knows everything about us including "every hair on our head."
I can promise you, BET MY LIFE ON IT! That there is a one God who will come to judge the living and the dead one day. And that he loves you and everyone as well. He see's you right now and is hoping that you will see and accept him.
If you don't believe in God, then how do you think we were put on the earth? Certainly not by a germ! Or if you think we were evolved from MONKEYS! Where did the monkey's come from!!!?? huh?!
ALso, God and his angels know a solution to every problem. EVERY PROBLEM, no matter what it is. Come to him for anything!
I have become closer and closer to God recently and I am so blessed just to be able to know my savior. I can not even see how I took one step without him. But that's the thing, I have never taken a step without him, wether I knew it or not. He is always holding our hand. And if you pay attention, you will see those things that he does for us all day long. Pray to be able to see them and thank him.
I promis you that God is real and Jesus Christ is the son of GOd!
May God bless you and I pray that you find peace in him.

Quick thing:
For all of you who say these things about us being energy, where did the energy come from? It didn't just exist out of nowhere. God created those energies that we are made of. God is real.

You're assuming we even have a soul, which is debatable.

so i am also just answering like a spray can our souls too just gets released into air.


Depends on your belief in God and such.

I suggest you ask God to reveal the answer to you, and begin your own search into what religion you would becomfortable with.

I would love to tell you about my own beliefs, since I did my own search years ago, and am settled on what I now believe. The search will answer some questions now. But decide now to that this search is both for now, and will continue throughout your life.

It's good of you that "you are not saying there is or isn't". Then just know the fact: those who believe there is an AFTERLIFE. they do also believe that souls got the shape of its own human form & wait to get The God's verdict (some may get rewards, some might be punished)
But those who do not have faith in AFTERLIFE, souls're nothing to them. They don't bother to waist their time thinking on this matter. But funny to me, I've met above many of them who did waist their time to answer to you! :-)

You are assuming that we have souls. Why is it so hard for people to accept that they will become worm food?

and..."what becomes of our souls if there is" ?


I'll have to use my imagination to answer this one, since I know there IS an afterlife (and there was a 'beforelife', too -- a pre-mortal existence). If there weren't, or if I believed there weren't...

I would probably theorize that our souls, which are energy, would be converted into new forms of energy and recycled, like some people have already said.

However, if it were true that there is NO afterlife, that would mean that whatever energy of which we consist would become something that we would not be AWARE of, i.e. a droplet of water, a dust particle, a breeze... In other words, our ability to think and feel would cease to exist the moment we (as the person we know ourselves now) did. We wouldn't become another person, or even a dog/cat/other animal. We'd be lifeless and incapable of thinking or acting in any way. Because otherwise, it would constitute a form of 'afterlife', whether the conventional idea of one (living with a God/Creator/Supreme Being of some sort) or not. : )

Like I said, I had to use my imagination on that one. I really can't even fathom there not being a continuing existence after our physical death, since that would be entirely contrary to the whole purpose of existing. But there you have it -- my idea at what might become of us if there WEREN'T an afterlife. : ]
Interesting question! <3

IF someone believes that there is no afterlife.. would this person believe that we have souls?? cuz souls is related to the idea of's the soul that lives on ...
i think a non-believer of afterlife would only take life for what it is in the present..on this earth.. nothing beyond the surface of this earth.. so why would there be a soul? a soul to this person could be an abstract idea where we have our personal morals and beliefs.. nothing more.. a soul to this person can be just an idea..

hmm..good question
i would say that our souls just mix with our souls and watch the new generation break down...
but then again...if there is no soul then our bodies would just decompose into the ground

If there is no afterlife, then there is no soul. One can't exist without the other - unless there is a finite number of souls available, and all are to be used once only. After all, the whole concept of afterlife is that it is the place that souls come from, and are returned to after use. No afterlife implies implies no souls.
