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Position:Home>Philosophy> What point in your life do you find out who you really are?

Question:I am sixty-seven and I have realized for many years that all people evolve and who they are changes constantly unless you are dead. You never cease to learn. You are always influenced by your surroundings. You constantly become what you improve upon. So, you are never at a point of "Who or what you are". Beware, because you have the choice to improve. What you must do is surround yourself with good and greatness. Shun bad and mediocrity. Pray for the ability to know the difference.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am sixty-seven and I have realized for many years that all people evolve and who they are changes constantly unless you are dead. You never cease to learn. You are always influenced by your surroundings. You constantly become what you improve upon. So, you are never at a point of "Who or what you are". Beware, because you have the choice to improve. What you must do is surround yourself with good and greatness. Shun bad and mediocrity. Pray for the ability to know the difference.

The closest thing to this concept would be finding out the true nature of your mind. Because, after all, what is the body except a support system for the mind? After years, or possibly even months of meditation, I believe you can find out who you truly are.

exactly when you reach 30, a lightbulb goes off.


It's tough to say. In spite of all we do to try and know who we are (faith, religion, philosophy, etc) we never know for sure and even if we did, we couldn't prove it to anybody else.

On the other hand some people know in their hearts who they are their whole lives.

I'd say on average, by the time you are 30 you should have the basics figured out (like what is really important, who really likes you, what you stand for, and who you love).

When you get some money & everybody sees how you really act.......

When you strip away all the lies and misconceptions you were led to beleive as you were growing up. And stop repeating the lives of your parents and or the pressures and expectaions of your culture or society.
It may sound funny but working the steps of a 12 step program is very helpful even if you are not an addict it is very honest and revealing process.

Usually during a time of tragedy and loneliness.

When you stand before God Almighty, and you know judgment has been passed. That's when you know who you really are...........

You've gotten the question backwards. You don't find out who you are, you DEFINE it.

You are what you do. You are what you say. You are what you think. Every day you are these things.

And any time you want to be different, all you have to do is do something else. Sure, it's not usually as easy as that. But people DO change... in fact, there are very few people who do not.

The only question is whether YOU will drive the definition and the changes, or if you will let others do it for you. So which is it going to be?

Any time you overcome adversity, or experience disappointment...pain is what makes us ask ourselves who we are in all of this.